Questions for Current Students

<p>Riepe is not quiet. I can tell you that much.</p>

<p>Word of advice for all freshmen: CHOOSE THE LIBERTY PLAN! I was a skeptic myself but it really is the best mix of dining dollars and meals. You’re just not going to enjoy taking an hour off in the middle of your day to get food. You’re going to grab a sandwich at ABP and run to class.</p>

<p>Hello… Do you know if the BFS program is worth it for a pre-med student? I’m not particularly sure what its about, but I got accepted into it. Also, are all the introductory science courses like Physics, Gen Chem, and Organic Chem relatively manageable? People on this forum make it seem like you survive science courses on curves. Therefore, in your experiences, do you find your science professors willing to help the student understand the subject matter, or are they more interested in their own research? If the latter is the case, do you find the tutoring center to be helpful?</p>

<p>Can anyone give me some personal insights on the Entrepreneurship residential program?</p>

<p>@winter, bfs and jws are more of a recruiting tactic than anything else. professors are generally quite accessible. Intro science curves are probably more likely to hurt than help you. Never been to tutoring center so can’t comment.</p>

<p>@brunotl, don’t fret about it too much, the residential programs don’t do all that much. Just a few events once in awhile.</p>

<p>Does someone have an answer for Rtgrove?</p>

<p>Can anyone help me deicide on my housing application choices.
I know I want the quad for my first 3, but I’m between Kings Court and Hill for my fall back.</p>

<p>Kings Court looks nicer from the outside (I’ve never been inside kings court, but I have been inside hill), and it has A/C, while Hill seems to be where the majority of people who wanted the quad but didnt get it end up, and most people seem happy despite that. Any insight?</p>

<p>Today at the nursing open house, it was said that if we bought a laptop, we should save the receipt and give it to them (at the place near the bookstore…cant remember the name) and that they will put it into the budget. What does this mean? Are we going to get reimbursed partially or something?</p>

<p>gb5760, I would defnitely go for King’s Court in a heartbeat. KC has heating, but no AC btw. </p>

<p>The rooms at KC are pretty spacious, ESPECIALLY when compared to Hill Rooms. In my opinion, KC has the best dining hall around, and KC is the most “cozy” and “homey” out of all the dorms. Shame you couldn’t go in. </p>

<p>Of course, Harrison is still bar none the best choice (again, in my opinion).</p>

<p>Generally, what are the chances of getting accepted to a residential program if you apply?</p>

<p>Also, anybody have any thoughts on the residential programs Exploring Philadelphia at Hill, Freshman Leadership at Penn, Law & Society at Fisher, Modern Languages Program in Gregory, and Penn Women in Leadership in Ware? </p>


<p>If I want to live in the quad, and im not applying to residential programs, does it really matter which of the houses I enter?</p>

<p>Hey guys! I just need some opinions on housing</p>

<p>so i cant decide between stouffer, kings court, hill, or ware for my first choice</p>

<p>im in SEAS by the way. Any inputs? </p>

<p>Thanks a bunch! <3</p>

<p>order these factors in their importance to you:</p>

<li>proximity to hallmates</li>
<li>size of room</li>
<li>proximity of food (dining hall)</li>
<li>distance from classes</li>
<li>quality of views out the window</li>


-proximity to hallmates
-size of room
-distance from classes
-proximity of food
-quality of views out the window</p>


<p>then i would recommend stouffer - mayer, ware, kings court, regular stouffer, hill</p>

<p>it’s kind of a balance between road noise (like buses roaring past your window late at night in hill) and hallmate noise (e.g., the southern hallways of ware can be super noisy from people running around)</p>

<p>mayer has biggest rooms, some ware rooms are also big</p>

<p>why’d you not want fisher hassenfeld or riepe?</p>

<p>this is a little random but, I live near Philly and really wanted to go to the fling this weekend with some friends and have fun at my future campus :smiley: but I dont want to go to the concert and I do not have a guest pass since I don’t know anybody at Penn. Would I be able to hang out there anyway? I mean I know I can’t go into the Quad or anything…</p>

<p>can somebody explain how AP English credits work at Penn? They say with a 5 you get “freshman free” but it still doesn’t fulfill your writing requirements…what does all that mean, and do semester writing seminars fulfill it/how many fill it?</p>

<p>thanks tenebrous! <3</p>

<p>i was looking over the brochure, and from the quad ones, only ware stood out. dunno why…</p>

<p>is stouffer/mayer scary? isn’t that where freshmen are seriously outnumbered? i was thinking regular stouffer, where the ratio isnt too extreme</p>

<p>which ones are YOUR personal faves?</p>

<p>your’re a lifesaver, tenebrous :D</p>

<p>kinematix, feel free to private message me for more detail</p>

<p>would be happy to talk about this at length, but back-and-forth here is prob not as ideal</p>

<p>dear biomajor,
I know this isnt your major but i am thinking about mechanical engineering do u have any info on it?</p>