Questions regarding appeal to the UCs

<p>Hello, I am a first time poster in college-confidential and I have been lurking for years because I am usually able to find my answers using the search function. However, now that I am unable, I’ve signed up CC.</p>

<p>Anyways, can someone answer a few of my questions?

  1. When is the deadline for appealing (PST) ?
    Specifically, for UCLA and UCSD. I know that April 15 is the deadline in terms of dates, but what about down to the specific hour? Is it 11: 59 P.M or maybe even earlier?
  2. Let’s say through a miracle and a half, the appeal was a success. That would be great and all, but I heard from a rumor that students who appealed (specifically students who appealed to UCSD), would not get financial aid from the college ( but would still receive pell grant and cal grant if qualified). Is this true?</p>

<p>It probably just has to be received by a certain day, or postmarked by a certain day. When I appealed to UCSC years ago, I actually sent two appeals in… one by (IIRC) the postmark deadline and one after, which I ‘overnight’ mailed, probably arriving earlier than the first one.</p>

<p>Also; because of this I had something funny happen. First I had an appeal rejection status, and then I had an appeal accepted status. I don’t really know what happened internally, but I surmise it COULD have been that one inferior appeal was denied and the other superior one was accepted, potentially by a different person altogether. Try sending two in. You’re at the whim of other people here; it’s worth a shot.</p>

<p>As for FinAid, I don’t think you’re necessarily disqualified because of the appeal process, but there are certain FinAid deadlines that will have occurred before your admission will have been processed, and thus you may have a hard time with financial aid since they don’t care too much about your situation. It’s hard to give you a straight answer here. I specifically once got a FinAid piece of mail marked April XX that was asking for a document to be submitted, even though that date had already passed, and was 5 days before the letter was even written! Go figure. I would seriously get on the phone with FinAid about your situation; maybe you can send some stuff in prematurely just in case.</p>

<p>@Miserlou57: Thank for you information. I greatly appreciate your aid.
But I have one more questions: When you applied for appeal to UCSC, who did you address in your letter?
For example, would it be a simple “you”, University of California - Santa Cruz, or perhaps “admission officer” or something of the sort?</p>

<li>When is the deadline for appealing (PST) ?
Specifically, for UCLA and UCSD. </li>

<p>UCLA and UCSD require online submission, so anytime before 11:59 p.m. should be fine.</p>

<li>Let’s say through a miracle and a half, the appeal was a success. That would be great and all, but I heard from a rumor that students who appealed (specifically students who appealed to UCSD), would not get financial aid from the college ( but would still receive pell grant and cal grant if qualified). Is this true?</li>

<p>All the guarantees afforded to regularly admitted students do not extend to students admitted on appeal. So you will be last in line for financial aid, housing, and everything else.</p>

<p>who did you address in your letter?</p>

<p>You would use “Dear Freshman Appeals Committee:”</p>

Thank you very much for your help. I was about to ask you these questions on your livejournal, but I decided not to because I didn’t want to bother you because it seems like you already had a lot of questions asked. I really appreciate that you took the time to answer my questions.</p>

<p>so I submitted my appeal, but I was wondering when will appeal decisions be posted?
I tried calling UCSD, but I couldn’t connect to their admission department for some reason. The online website says in three weeks, but I wonder if that’s a good estimate. Should I send my SIR to some other college for now (because of may 1 deadline) ?</p>

<p>@DistressStudent, no worries, I’m used to the high volume of questions coming in around this time of year. I know it’s really stressful and I usually try to answer all the time-sensitive questions first.</p>

<p>You should get a response anywhere between one to three weeks. You should definitely SIR with a backup school (this is highly recommended by the UCs for appeal and waitlist students). The downside is you lose the $100 deposit if you withdraw your SIR (SIR deposit cannot be transferred between campuses).</p>