Appeal questions

<p>i have a few questions in regards to appealing… first off, does anyone know when the due date is? i keep on seeing april 15, but i just wanted to make sure. is this the due date for all the campuses, or only certain ones? also, i see that some people have submitted their appeals already. do i have a lesser chance of becoming accepted if i turn in my appeal later on? is it like first come first serve? and am i supposed to send my appeal online, or mail to the campus? how do you know if they’ve received it and that it is going through review? sorry for all the questions, but to anyone that can answer them i would greatly appreciate it!</p>

<p>Each campus has its own appeal deadline, altho most have it set at April 15. Appeals are considered along with your UC application and compared to the overall achievements of the applicant pool, so it’s not really a “first come, first serve” process.</p>

<p>i saw that ucsc’s appeal deadline was april 2, which passed. does this mean i no longer have any chance of appealing at all for that school?</p>

<p>You can call the admissions office and ask; UCSC is pretty friendly on the phone.</p>

<p>UCSC has the earliest appeal deadlines of all UCs, I suspect so they can dramatically decrease the number of appeals.</p>

<p>ucsc sets their deadline earlier because their process involves making their appeal decisions before May 1st which is the SIR due date</p>