quick chances please??

<p>i told myself that i will not step back into the waters of the Columbia forum after i got deferred, but meh im here.
ill be honest. your rank is better than me (im 10 in 350), i had a little bit better standardized testing, more rigorous course load (IB diploma) and i think i had much better ECs (leadership position in almost all of them) my awards were pretty generic too… and i got deferred.
knowing that RD is more competitive than ED, you better write a damn good essay to get in. so i would stay away from a generic topic like that…
im probably just ranting cuz im still sad about the results :(</p>

<p>If you want my honest opinion, there’s no reason to not try if you really want to go to Columbia. Everybody might be dissing you for your scores and the classes you took, but if you do a lot and show that if you had the opportunity to take harder classes you would have. I got into SEAS with a 1970 SAT (my writing score was low, complete opposite of you.), SAT IIs of 650 and 690, and an ACT of 33. The one way I really relate to your situation is that my school also only offers 2 AP classes. Just show Columbia that you took advantage of the opportunities you were given.</p>

<p>oh wow Shraf, that’s very flattering! :]</p>

<p>Shraf–thanks for jumping on this post.</p>

<p>Bicyclekick–your stats are fine, and I agree with everything Shraf said–just htought I’d tell you that in case you were looking for reinforcement. </p>

<p>Masochist: Please go bathe in your ED glory and don’t terrorise RD applicants by spouting nonsense.
Congratulations, by the way.</p>