chance a middle eastern guy!

<p>Male: White Middle Eastern, i got deferred by Brown PLME</p>

<p>NJ public school: does not normally send grads to top schools (about one 1 ivy every 3 years)</p>

<p>average sat score: 1480 out of 2400</p>

<p>Rank: 1/190</p>

<p>SAT: 2200 CR: 710 M: 700 W: 790</p>

<p>SAT IIs: US History: 790 Chemistry: 770 MathII: 770</p>

<p>AP's: US History: 5 Chemistry: 3</p>

<p>taken most challenging courseload available to me</p>

<p>EC's (ugh...weak point :/ )</p>

<p>S.H.A.R.E. (4 years, community service organization at my school, my main EC, advisor for this group (who is also my APUSH teacher) is writing one of my recs, which should be stellar)</p>

<p>Varsity Soccer
Varsity Track and Field
NHS (should this even be mentioned?)
Italian Honor Society</p>

<p>I tried getting a job but one wants to hire a 16-year-old unless you have connections</p>

<p>I volunteered at Mount Sinai Medical Center Genetics Department over the summer (im lucky my dad works there lol)</p>

<p>Awards (again...ugh):</p>

<p>Rensselaer Medal Award
NJ Governor's School in Sciences nominee
various leadership conference nominations (Boys' State, NYLC, NYLF, HOBY alternate, etc...)</p>

<p>For my essays, I plan to write about an experience I had with one of my friends and how he came to my mosque and an influential academic experience</p>

<p>Schools I'm applying to:</p>

<p>HYP (I know you can't really give accurate chances for these...)
Penn CAS

<p>i'm already accepted at Rutgers (my safety)</p>

<p>apply to some colleges in between NYU and Columbia…so if u dont get into any of those, u can at least get into some 10-30 schools which are really good.</p>

<p>Should get into NYU. You should have solid chances at Penn CAS, and probably at Brown and Columbia with good essays/recs.</p>


<p>yeah i would do that, but my parents won’t allow it…i was considering JHU and Georgetown but my parents would rather have me go to NYU (as i’d be closer) than JHU or Georgetown which are around 4 hours away by car…but if i get into an ivy, then distance doesn’t matter lol</p>

<p>and i wouldn’t mind going to NYU (assuming i get in…) as it is a really good school</p>

<p>bump anyone else?</p>


<p>bump it up</p>

<p>You can take your own very good guess by looking at the common data sets. Given that writing does not count at most of your schools, your SATs are below median. Consider retaking or trying th ACT.</p>

<p>i would say a definite for NYU (two of my friends just got in ED with much lower stats)
probably at Penn too but its tough
and Columbia and Brown who knows</p>

<p>hmom, what are you talkinga about, “writing does not count”???
i called my brown regional admissions officer and he specifically said “your standardized test scores are excellent, no need to retake” and he mentioned my writing score…i think you are misinformed as if you look at the common data sets as you suggested, they say that writing is used for admission…so idk where you got your info from</p>

<p>^she was saying that most schools dont look at the writing,</p>

<p>but i know for a fact that all ivys and most top 20 schools weigh the writing the same as the other sections, specially the essay.</p>

<p>Should be in at NYU, decent chances at Penn, I’m gonna say Columbia is a reach, but who knows with Ivies. Same with HYP</p>

<p>Chance me please! <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I don’t think you will get into the HYP and Brown
but I think you can get into to Penn and Columbia.</p>

<p>Your middle-eastern race helps you. Where in the middle-east?
From the pressuring parents I am tentative to say Iran…
Is it true? Haha I am sorry if I am wrong</p>

<p>close, it’s iraq lol, but i was born in the uae</p>

<p>how come you think i have a decent shot at columbia but not at brown, isn’t brown less selective?</p>

<p>well i mean maybe its her gut? haha i dont agree with her but we all have our opinions</p>

<p>you have even chances at Penn and Columbia and I think you will get into Brown. like you alluded to in ur OP HYP is a crapshoot. </p>

<p>NYU is getting harder these days so i hope u didnt blow off the app. if u took it seriously you should get in there too</p>

<p>if you have the time. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>What exactly do you mean by “white middle eastern”?</p>

<p>middle easterners are considered white…i was just specifying my nationality</p>