Quick Essay Question

<p>This is niche question #2:</p>

<p>Does multi-disciplinary team research with a faculty mentor, lasting throughout your undergraduate years and dealing with the social implications or science and technology appeal to you? If yes, briefly tell us why and what are some of the interests, experiences and skills that you would bring to such a research team.</p>

<p>Can someone explain to me what that means? I have no idea what the question is asking.</p>

<p>Are you interested in working on a research team with a group of others..This is a question that is used to help decide who will get into Gemstones (along with scores, recs etc.)</p>

<p>If you are interested what could you contribute to the team?</p>

<p>what kind of research team? is this just for students interested in science and technology? and if i'm not (planning to be an English/Writing major), do i need to answer this question??</p>

<p>also, the last question is:<br>
4. If you have participated in any TRIO programs (e.g. Educational Opportunity Centers, Student Support Services, Talent Search or Upward Bound) please describe your experiences.</p>

<p>don't think i have... what do i say? just leave it blank?</p>

<p>ALSO-- they say the essay should be 2-3 pages.. is it ok if mines 2 pages double-spaced?</p>

<p>You should answer the question even if you are not interested in participating in a research team because of the way it is asked. Since you are English/writing oriented..I would say something like..though working with others is appealing to me, I am more focused on writing than science and technology (etc )flesh it out.
So yes answer it. And phrase it so you sound like all educational opportunites are interesting BUT....</p>

<p>As far as the last question..since you have not participated in any of those programs you could leave it blank.</p>

<p>I cannot recall if double spaced was what they wanted. I think so but honestly I am not positive and would not want to steer you wrong.
Its been over awhile since D. did her application. I do recall we had that very same question..but I cant remember what she did.</p>

<p>The admissions guy told me that the 2-3 page essay is double spaced. I hope he was 100% positive. But if you think about it, if you write 2 pages not double spaced, it's like 4 pages. Would they really expect you to write that much, or even have the time to go through all of it?</p>

<p>I think you are right hotctyplaya...</p>

<p>Keep in mind as you answer these questions that they will help determine if you are invited to the special programs: honors, gemstones or college park scholars..so if you wish to be considered for one of the programs you will want to spend time on them.</p>

<p>The honors program for instance has certain guidelines for acceptance..but it is a range..they will take students that have higher and lower scores than they list. And some that meet the GPA and SAT standards may not be invited for that program ..this is where the essays will help. I truly believe they review candidates very carefully. </p>

<p>When you recieve your acceptance they will notify you, if you have been invited to any of the special programs. This info is also given online in the acceptance that is posted there. It will say something like Congratulations you have been accepted to University of Maryland ..in addition you have been invited to University Honors (something like that..cant recall exactly) </p>

<p>They also have info on these programs online if you are interested.</p>

<p>angstridden, for umbc, do you think i have a chance of getting in the honors program with a 1300 SAT (math +verbal) and a 3.98 uw gpa? i am planning on taking my SATs again in november but their early deadline is nov 1. the application says that to get in, you must have a 1350 and 3.5 gpa. so should i even bother filling out the application for the honors program?</p>

<p>I am not familiar with UMBC...you say they have a different application for the honors program? At College Park you fill out one application and you are then considered and invited to the different programs.</p>

<p>If I was in your position I would DEFINITELY fill out the application if its separate for the honors program. Because if you don't you will never know..if you do then you have a shot.</p>

<p>In my daughters case her GPA was very high..4.76 , her SAT was good but not super. She had tons of AP's and lots of good recs and community service. She got a B in Advanced Physic..89.9 and didnt become VAL because of it...It was tough. But anyway...I digress - I felt with her hard work she deserved to get in UMD honors but I was just hoping she would get in Scholars because of her SAT not being super high. Well she was invited to Honors and other kids with higher SAT's were not. She is doing great in her classes and loves the honors program. </p>

<p>So they are looking at the whole package in the case of UMD. Its GUIDELINES that they show..but there are exceptions..I would imagine that is how it would be with UMBC but of course I dont know. </p>

<p>You never know till you try..but if you don't you will always wonder. If you get in great! And if you dont you can say well I gave it a good shot..and I am going to get a great education in the program or not - but at least you know for sure!</p>

<p>So I say go for it!!!</p>

<p>I will be taking my SATs again...I just have no idea how I'll do because i've been wayyy too busy lately and haven't been able to really prep. </p>

<p>My ecs are good, just not great: </p>

<p>I'm editor of our yearbook, have 105 volunteer hours at a local hospital, won a math award in 9th grade, was in book club for the 2 years my school had it, worked on the school newspaper that my class put out for a year, was in my school's major productions, and some other stuff like maryland distinguished scholar.</p>

<p>The only B (rather B+) was an 89 I received in language class in 9th grade which counts as only half a credit (as opposed to subjects like history, math, etc. which count as whole credits). Can u believe that the reason I don't have a 4.0 is because I got an 89 and not a 90??? sigh...what one point can do..anways, my school doesn't weigh gpas but iIve been in practically all the honors/accelerated classes that they offer, if that makes a difference.</p>

<p>What did your daughter receive on her SATs and what were some of her ecs? Also, now I am confused. On UMBC's application, they have a place where you can check off if you are interested in different programs such as the scholars, humanities or something like that, and some other things. Is this a whole separate program than what your daughter is in? Either way, are the requirements for one of these programs higher than the requirements for the regular honors college?</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply btw :-D</p>

<p>I understand how you feel. In my D's case she missed being Val because of her 89.9 so it was one tenth of a point. Then she missed being SAL because at that point they weight it and kids who were in a course that was 1/2 credit and had all the rest A's and just that B...were then the SALS cus that class counted less as it was only 1/2 credit. Does that make sense. So on graduation night even though she was weighted much higher because of the courses she took other kids got up there for Val and Sal...But we got over it...
I look at it like at least she was not in the Olympics and missed the gold by a tenth ..!!!</p>

<p>My daughter does not go to UMBC. She goes to College Park. She in in the honors program which is a special program that you are invited to based on SAT's, recs, ec's etc. You don't check off a box. You are invited. Being in honors is a fabulous because the classes are smaller, dorms nicer etc. So it is done differently than UMBC does it. </p>

<p>They also have a scholars program at UMD which is also by invitation and has lower SAT, grade point etc averages.</p>

<p>UMBC had sent me an application that already included the honors application part. The place where you check off the box for scholars etc, is only showing what you are interested in- at the back of the app it shows what you need to do to get in to each different program (like getting extra recommendations and other things). Checking off the box has nothing to do with whether you will get in or not. I'm not really looking into any of those yet because the deadlines are later. Right now, I'm just focusing on making the ed deadline of November 1!</p>

<p>I would definitely do it! You never know. BTW I think your awards sound good and make sure you spin em out so they sound super good...! As you fill in your application think of strong words that will demonstrate good character, leadership and academic ability..The way you say things can really build up your application.</p>

<p>Good luck! Let me know how you do. And remember as a merit finalist you qualify for FREE applications to any school in MD.</p>

<p>Anyone know how much essays matter in the admissions process?</p>

<p>Essays are a major part of the application. They look at them very closely. At the information session with an admissions counselor, they tell you they read a LOT of essays, so make yours stand out....grab their attention in the first sentence if you can. My d.'s was a pretty good essay, not her best, but original...she picked the topic "who would you want to meet and why..." or something like that. She picked someone famous who was not living....but she was clever and extremely descriptive...right down to the furniture on the front porch...at the end of the essay, she wakes up...her conversation with him was a dream. Her essay was submitted by her HS counselor to a random admissions counselor for another opinion and she gave it a good review. But keep rewriting it until you are happy. Write it and rewrite it....then get away from it for a few days and go back and rewrite some more. GOOD LUCK</p>