Quick, I need help finding my GPA?

<p>I have a 88.5 unweighted grade out of 100</p>

<p>My schools policy is

<p>Can someone help me translate my 88.5/100 to a 4 point GPA?</p>

<p>cmon, any help?</p>

<p>anymore help?</p>

<p>Most of the time they multiply the number by 4 and divide by 100, giving you a 3.54 GPA. But the problem is there is no set accepted GPA conversion formula, so if it’s out of 100 leave it as is.</p>

<p>^^i dont think so…</p>

<p>i’m not sure how to convert your specific case but this is the general way:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
4.0 = 95+
3.9 = 94
3.8 = 93

<p>so if your school did grades this way then you would have a 3.35. but since your school grades a bit differently, i’m not sure.</p>

<p>Doesn’t really matter what your school says your GPA is, the colleges you apply to recalculate it.</p>

<p>any more responses?</p>

<p>It gets re-calculated from your transcript</p>

<p>College Board has this table:
A+ (97-100) = 4.0
A (93-96) = 4.0
A- (90-92) = 3.7</p>

<p>B+ (87-89) = 3.3
B (83-86) = 3.0
B- (80-82) = 2.7</p>

<p>C+ (77-79) = 2.3
C (73-76) = 2.0
C- (70-72) = 1.7</p>

<p>D+ (67-69) = 1.3
D (65-66) = 1.0
E/F (below 65) = 0.0</p>