Hello! I’m currently a high school junior. I did marching band, concert band (highest chair), jazz band, and my city’s youth jazz orchestra all for 3 years. For my senior year, I’d like to quit marching band, concert band and jazz band to run cross country and take an intro engineering class as I’d like to pursue engineering in college. I’m not looking to go to an elite university-more like a state school. Will quitting band hurt my chances to get into a school like Michigan state or Ohio state? Note… I will stay in the youth jazz orchestra
I’d also like to mention that I absolutely hate band. I find it unbearable to sit in the class and march on the field when most of the time I already know
how to play the music. I really love running
Ohio State and Michign State are good schools, but they are not say, “picky” enough to care if you quit band in senior year.
Do what you love!
IMO it is no issue lto quit band (especially if you hate it) to take the engineering course and do track especially since you will stay with the youth jazz orchestra.
No. IT won’t hurt at all. Your test scores and GPA will be the key to entry to those schools.
Mine quit orchestra after sophomore year and still got into engineering everywhere she applied. Go explore something new!