race factor in admissions

<p>i am both part indian, as well as african american...i am wondering what one would be better to put as far as helping increase my chances of being admitted? on the application it says native american, eskimo, or aleut all in one category...what do u guys think? i am above the average gpa for transfers.</p>

<p>saying ur Black will be much better.....no doubt</p>

<p>how do you know this? or why do you think this? i thought coming across an indian/alaskan native was really rare and their standards are much easier?</p>

<p>indian/alaskan native might be better but which one do you identify with and support this identification with in your essays etc</p>

<p>^^ Meaning, if you say you're Native American, colleges may ask you for your tribal affiliation. You'd better have one.</p>

<p>i do, but how much leniency can one expect to have in their gpa or whatever compared to a caucasion? meaning how different are schools standards usually meaning is a 3.5 of a indian equal to a 3.8 of a cacausion? (you know what im saying)</p>