Race Frat

<p>I am a black student at Virginia Tech and I think I want to rush this spring. I usually do not hangout a lot with my "own" kind or black guys on a regular not because I'm racist, but usually because I'm not accepted, don't fit in or have nothing in common with the other black guys. I come from a high school where I was most of the time the only black guy in the class so I tend to fair pretty decent with white guys. So my question is will I be able to rush and join "white frats" or is this just wishful thinking? sorry if i offended anyone </p>

<p>I don’t think the “white” frats have been 100% white in a long time. I can recall black guys in frats in the early 80s. I imagine that there will be more than the token black guy these days. By all means go ahead and rush several frats - - take a look around and see whether there are any non-white frat brothers. If none, and everyone is named “BIF” (old joke) then move on to the next frat. Good luck.</p>

<p>I’m black and while I’m not in a fraternity, my girlfriend is; so naturally I’m around a lot of frat people. </p>

<p>There isn’t a fraternity that’ll reject you if you aren’t white. Yes most of guys in fraternities are white, but most of people at this school are white so that shouldn’t be much of a surprise. Just show up and act like you’re dedicated and you’ll be fine. </p>

<p>Also, the only black people I know that are your “stereotypical” blacks are athletes. I’ve been here for three years and have yet to meet a black person that was ghetto and got in off of their on academic merit. </p>

<p>To ChrisTKD": there are actually some fraternities that are traditionally (and try to remain) 100% white. Those fraternities are usually located at SEC schools and are more “fratty” if you know what I mean. </p>

<p>I spent time around several frats, and I don’t recall any that didn’t have different races in them. Obviously you’ll have a chance to visit a few and figure out which one you feel most comfortable in, but you really shouldn’t worry about that aspect of it at least. And definitely keep an open mind when you get to campus, there are all sorts of people in frats and out of frats looking for all sorts of things, including exactly what you’re looking for.</p>