Racial Profiling

<p>Do you believe racial profiling at airports is justified?</p>

<p>Nope. Anyone can blow up a plane. People acting stressed or trying to hide something, no matter race, should be taken aside. </p>


<p>Yes. Play the probabilities.</p>

<p>yes, it is justified, just look at the facts.</p>

<p>i think it's disgusting. people shouldn't have to suffer because of their ethnicity.</p>

<p>Yes. How many Christian teenage females have blown up a plane? How bout middle aged Muslim men?</p>

<p>Not only is it justified, it is necessary.</p>

<p>Um you can't tell if a female is Christian just by her race or by looking at her. And Christians do messed up stuff just like everyone else.</p>

<p>"yes, it is justified, just look at the facts."</p>

<p>Yeah the facts. Most of the population of the US that's muslim is AFRICAN AMERICAN. Most of the Middle-Eastern pop in the US is CHRISTIAN.</p>

<p>Richard Reid was not Middle Eastern.</p>

<p>Also, every major religion does somethign screwy.</p>

<p>...and I believe I said racial profiling not religious.</p>


<p>I believe that by condoing racial profiling we leave our system open to cracks. I mean what about all the other races and genders and age groups...</p>

<p>OK. Replace Muslim with "of ME descent" and Christian with "White". Are we good now?</p>

<p>Either check no one, start profiling, or check everyone. Random checks are stupid and pointless.</p>

<p>Check everyone alike.</p>

<p>Alright that's fine. But the facts remain, all the 9/11 hijackers were Middle Eastern males. Do you think it was a coincidence?</p>

<p>Although it's true that we shouldn't just stop every single person of ME descent in an airport and search their body cavities, you can't deny that chances are that the next danger will come from someone of that descent and not someone who was born into a Christian (white) household in the midwest.</p>

<p>I think that we should search anyone who shows the signs of stress and whatnot that they TEACH these searchers to look for, but I also think that there are too many people for us to check every single one. If there has to be a focus, it should be based on what's most likely to happen.</p>

<p>And this is coming from someone who does get irritated every time his (Colombian) family is stopped because of their wonderfully common last name but realizes that it's unfortunately necessary.</p>

<p>Did anyone see that one 60 minutes story with all those people who had the same name as someone on the no-fly list, so whenever they traveled by plane, they were searched?</p>

<p>No, it's wrong. Anyone could do anything at anytime.</p>

<p>I realize the 9/11 hijackers were Middle Eastern, duh?</p>

<p>I mean all I was saying was that profilign leaves gaps open. Do you think terrorists knwo that profilign goes on. YES. That makes it dangerous. What if they start using someone else....then oh shoot...we racially profiled and missed it.</p>

<p>We should check everyone and maek it random only if it's by reasonable doubt...not the random man with the goofy hat but the random man eyeing th eman with the goofy hat.</p>

<p>I think racial profiling at airports is justified.</p>

<p>no. I am going to kill myself for saying this because I travel all the time, but everyone should go through the same harsh security measures that middle eastern people have to go through. Arabs are not the only people in the work capable of hijacking a plane and if they are going to go through all that security fuss at airports, why shouldn't the rest of us? </p>

<p>I go to Brussels airport a lot and there everyone goes through a rediculous amount of security. All of my friends talk about how its horrible here, I just laugh. I hate having to go to the airport 4 hours early to stand in a security checkpoint for 2.5 hours but its worth it for your life.</p>

<p>We've been profiling since 2001, and terrorists are still (generally) from the ME. You see the story of the converted white woman every once in a while, but it's not common. It's hard to find someone who's devoted enough to a cause that they'd want to kill themselves for it without being in the heart of the cause, which in this case is the ME.</p>

<p>In any case, I think we agree. We shouldn't just search someone because of how they look, but because of how they act. The difference is I think it's more effective to focus on people who are likely to be acting strange, while you think it's just as effective to scan every person in the airport, from the elderly grandparents to the 12-year-old kids to the Middle Eastern men.</p>

<p>well duh, we are at war with them. As long as we are blowing the s*** out of their cities I think they have good reason to want to strike back.<br>
Do I support it? No, killing people is disgusting. Do I understand it? Yes, I do. </p>

<p>But, with our national approval rating as low as it is in the world I think we should try to be more broad in the searches until we get a decent president who can work Public Relations. </p>

<p>And kids can hold bombs just as easily as adults can. It really isn’t to hard to slip things into a bag/backpack. People leave them alone, even for a min or two, despite the fact they know they shouldn’t. (Bathroom, Resturants, etc)</p>

<p>Middle Eastern Men are more likely atm, so I do understand some of it. But 99% of the time the Middle Eastern people working in air-ports cause more trouble in the flights than the passengers do. :P </p>

<p>Then again, I am slightly bitter from my last flight that resulted in 3 families missing their plane because of a stupid lady who wouldn’t allow cutting so pulled them all out and had them screened. Mind you, we were all in line a good hour and a half before the planes left and I STILL almost missed my flight. My apologies. :)</p>

<p>Umm we are not at war with Americans of Middle Eastern ancestry. So what about them? They are still targeted for "random searches."</p>