<p>Most white people do contain minority heritage. It's basic common sense. Tpeck, you sound and look like a fool. Shut up while you're head isn't too far buried up your bum.</p>
<p>Holy moly look at that webpage, did you write this? Looks like a top notch webpage with highly trusted sources.</p>
and implied that they're promoting this "nefarious plan" through their control of the media.</p>
<p>you understand how i think you suspect a conspiracy.
<p>Not just media. Worldbank (Jewish owned) went to Russia and said they need more immigration. Russia's White Population is going negitive and they have high unemployment. This is just one example, they're millions.</p>
<p>Yeah, s/he wrote it.</p>
<p>"as retrieved on Feb 1, 2006 03:39:19 GMT."</p>
<p>They planned twelve days in advanced just for this moment. Just admit that you're wrong and go raise your confederate flag, join the NRA and toss on the sheet you were born with.</p>
Never said Jews controlled the World, sayed they control Hollywood and most of the Media and then you automatically think OMG Neo-Nazi. Kind of like what you guys do against Arabs/Muslims when they want you out of their land/society (OMG Anti-Semitism).</p>
<p>You gave me a link that talks about skin color - notice, did I say anything about one's skin color? No. Compare Italians to Norwegians - they're still White but skin color is a little different. Paint a Black man White then come back and tell me Race is only skin deep.
2nd link says that we might have originated from Africa a long long long long long long time ago. Yeah so?</p>
<p>3rd link is a bunch of confused people who don't understand who/what they are.
<p>You pretty much stated a ridiculous theory that Jews were suppotring liberal beliefs that would undermine the white race. Sounds a little sketchy to me.</p>
<p>1st link: Anyway, the point of the article is that race is not skin deep...hence you can not absolutely know someone's GENETIC ancestry by merely looking at skin color. Still, skin color is pertinent here since people define races off of it...that is why it is mentioned in the article brainiac. It doesn't state race is defined by skin color. Society, in general has had a belief that race is defined by skin color. It refutes the idea of people basing genetic ancestry (aka a white person with black and NA ancestry) due to skin color. It is entirely possible for white people to have some genetic ancestry from blacks and NA and vice versa.</p>
<p>From the article:
A group of scientists - writing in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - have found that people who appear white may genetically be mainly African, while people who look black may genetically be European or Amerindian.
<p>2nd link: Well, if people orginated out of Africa and from brown folks...where does this purity come into play that you keep implying? To say one is not mixed is to imply purity...no? Purity as in not having any relations or ties to any group...being completely unique? I find that purity in humans seems really unlikely considering the various interactions groups have had throughout humanity's history and the fact that groups didn't just pop out of nowhere completely pure and untouchable as you implied. They came from somewhere. We all come from a common ancestor. That was the purpose of the link. </p>
<p>From Tpeck:
The majority of White people didn't mix. Yes there were some, but the majority of them did not. Who the hell told you such nonsense? You still replied back without answering the question to the agenda, hiding behind the false fact that all White people are mixed up with Indian and Black blood.
<p>3rd link: Your comment was pretty disgusting...They are human beings jeez.... Personally, I think you are a pathetic, hateful person.</p>
A group of scientists - writing in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - have found that people who appear white may genetically be mainly African, while people who look black may genetically be European or Amerindian.
<p>How does a person appear White. You are either White or you're not. Purity.</p>
<p>Anyway so yes we all have a common ancestory 1000's and 1000's of years ago. Does that justify this agenda of pushing racial mixing and make it into a norm? Should White people just not exist anymore because their common ancestor came from North Africa or Iraq or where-ever? Is this some conspiracy to mix the races into a grey area to control them better because they would have no ethnic pride?</p>
<p><a href="http://racialreality.shorturl.com/%5B/url%5D">http://racialreality.shorturl.com/</a> Good Link</p>
<p>White is a color not an ethnicity. You're confusing racially constructed proses with reality.</p>
You're confusing racially constructed proses with reality.
Don't you mean "socially"...?</p>
Anyway so yes we all have a common ancestory 1000's and 1000's of years ago. Does that justify this agenda of pushing racial mixing and make it into a norm? Should White people just not exist anymore because their common ancestor came from North Africa or Iraq or where-ever? Is this some conspiracy to mix the races into a grey area to control them better because they would have no ethnic pride?
<p>Now look's who hiding. It's nice how you completely skidded the argument that the majority of white's have asian, black, hispanic, middle eastern, or redfox ancestry.... coincedental? </p>
<p>And why do you care so much? It's not like you did anything to create whites, you didn't do anything for whites, and yet you're the one "fighting" the hardest? You don't deserve anything, you haven't done anything except for being born, and being handed the white card like the majority. </p>
<p>Why should you care if people mix? it's their lives, they can do what you want. I'm sure there's a middle eastern woman giving birth to a white man's son somewhere, and a white woman giving birth to a hispanic man's child. </p>
<p>If you haven't noticed, your complaining has done nothing. It has ceased nothing. People will continue to "mix", and maybe after everyone has, bigots like you will no longer get to pledge racial.... whatever it is you're moaning about.</p>
<p>TPeck gets his ideas from Kevin MacDonald [ <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_B._MacDonald#Jewish_role_in_facilitating_mass_immigration%5B/url%5D">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_B._MacDonald#Jewish_role_in_facilitating_mass_immigration</a> ] and Stormfront, a neo-Nazi forum.</p>
<p>Don't mind Tpeck. He satisfies his low self-esteem by trying to elevate and isolate himself into a select phantom group called "pure whites".</p>
<p>Surprise!!! =/</p>
<p>First, a definition: antisemitism is simply hating each and every Jew because they are Jewish. </p>
<p>I think that increased antisemitism is due mostly to Arabs increasing ability to have their voice heard, be it in immigrant populations in Europe or far reaching Arab media. The Arab press is very antisemitic at times (Memri.org translates select pieces from Arab press, though I rarely look on the site, you may have to search for it). The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is supposedly very popular in the Arab world. </p>
<p>Some Jews have told me (I'm Jewish) that they think antisemitism is deepseated and is only beneath the surface as opposed to ages past. I doubt this. I sincerely believe that Americans have become more tolerant (and they were nearly always more tolerant than Europe). Sure there will always be nuts here in USA, but they're on the fringes. The most cause for concern is the Muslim world. Trying to force tolerance on the Muslim world is, to say the least, Quixotic. The best response is simply to tell Jews to leave Muslim countries if they feel threatened and go to Israel, America, etc. If you are really concerned with antisemitism, you should be very cautious of Muslim, especially unskilled immigration. Argue all you want about integration, but such immigrants have contributed to a spike in antisemitism in France, and probably other countries as well.</p>
<p>Regarding Jewish organizations and others - they do exaggerate. Here (<a href="http://www.adl.org/antisemitism_survey/survey_iii.asp%5B/url%5D">http://www.adl.org/antisemitism_survey/survey_iii.asp</a>) is a survey documenting antisemitism. If the surveyed agree with enough statements, they are considered antisemitic. But the questions are hardly indicative of the true volume of antisemitism. Distortions? Yes. Indicate prejudice? Probably. Antisemitic? No. Consider "Jews stick together more than other Americans." Religious Jews who disdain intermarriage would hope this is true. Is that antisemitic? Or "Jews always like to be at the head of things." "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust.*" (I kind of agree with that.) "Jews are more loyal to Israel than to America." Well, considering that most Jews live outside America, and many live in Israel, I would assume this to be mostly true. And some Jews here are most concerned with, during presidential elections, (although not with local elections) a president's stance on Israel. The results likely correlate with antisemitism, but definitely overestimate its true frequency.</p>
<p>As for racism, people forget that human nature, at least judging by most behavior around the world, is to hate that which is not you. Especially among the less 'educated' (a nice euphemism there). So people are surprised when say, Mexican and Black inmates start killing each other, simply due to race. I think this is something to be expected (somewhat). So when people ignore this common sense, well, it ain't always lovely. It seems like most hatred emanates from this urge to kill your different neighbor. Is the defining mark of a civil society subduing this primitive urge?</p>
<p>And I have a hunch, that "civil rights leaders" and organizations like ADL have an incentive to exaggerate, to validate their existence, to show their necessity, to tell donors why they must continue giving.</p>
<p>Prepstad: Nothing wrong with Confederate flags or the NRA. Those two do not make you a white supremacist.</p>
<p>Ask yourself why Jews have been kicked out of every country they have moved into. Ask yourself why they are disliked in the United States by some. Take a hard look at reasons, not consequences. When you arrive at a conclusion, check it again.</p>
<p>Then you will see why such feelings exist.</p>
<p>P.S. This is not a racist comment, you make the conclusions, I just think people ought to to look at cause-effect-consequence to understand things.</p>
<p>Of course it's not a racist comment, Judaism is not a race. So any comments towards Jews cannot be racist...</p>
<p>Jew is a race. "Muslim" isnt a race; its not a term like "Jew," which is both a race and follower of Judaism. Americans tend to make that mistake often nowadays.</p>
<p>Jew is not a race. There a no children born with 'jew' written on their birth certificate under 'race'. On applications asking for race there is no 'jew' check box.</p>
Ask yourself why Jews have been kicked out of every country they have moved into. Ask yourself why they are disliked in the United States by some. Take a hard look at reasons, not consequences. When you arrive at a conclusion, check it again.
<p>would you care to explain to us why?</p>
Jew is not a race. There a no children born with 'jew' written on their birth certificate under 'race'. On applications asking for race there is no 'jew' check box.
<p>Jew IS a race, I expected that was obvious.</p>
<p>*Ask yourself why Jews have been kicked out of every country they have moved into. Ask yourself why they are disliked in the United States by some. Take a hard look at reasons, not consequences. When you arrive at a conclusion, check it again.</p>
<p>Then you will see why such feelings exist.*</p>
<p>Until recently, few countries tolerated any ethnic or religious diversity. That's why Jews got expelled from more than 100 places--because they are different.</p>