<p>Where'd my thread "You're a Jew" thread go?</p>
<p>IT WAS OUSTED. Sorry caps.</p>
<p>Yeah...I was thinking it was deleted too...I didn't get to see any responses...</p>
<p>Ahhhhh... why?</p>
<p>Last time I read the thread....it kind of turned ugly.</p>
<p>You could ask Justinian what he said in the thread...what he said made me a little perplexed...</p>
<p>Still, I last saw it around 1:30ish so I don't know what happened after that.</p>
<p>He didn't say anything that bad. It's all true as far as I know.</p>
<p>What he said and how it could be percieved is up for debate...</p>
<p>It was a pretty bad thread. I reported a few offensive posts.</p>
<p>You politically correct loons. Watch MADTV or SNL, and you will find numerous derogatory comments to Jewish folks. Everytime you watch the comedy channel, Jews are targeted. But when on TV do you see comedians constantly criticize the blacks by using the "n" word and call welfare addicts, hm? Heck, I saw some derogatory comments to Jews on Will and Grace, and a praiseworthy additude towards Hitler. Why do we not see this for blacks?</p>
<p>Many blacks are under the delusion that they are being oppressed, and white man is taking advantage of them. Yes, I see this often in their music and talk. Thus, in order to retaliate, they hire an attorney to sue white man for his comments. Was it not black Senator Mckinnely who slapped a body guard, then blamed the body guard for being racist. Who do you think will win this one? Uh, black.</p>
<p>Oh, but of course, black man went under horrible torment. But let us not forget the absolute torture that the Jews in holocaust endured. Some of the Jews were scientifcally tested upon, and sometimes dissected alive. But who cares right. Let MADTV and SNL prey upon these people, but god forbid don't offend these blacks. </p>
<p>Next time, call someone the "n" word, I wonder how that will go? You'll be suspended. So guys, keep on offending the Jews please.</p>
<p>How did I offend the Jews???</p>
<p>Also, why are you ****ed off at black people?</p>
<p>I am not going to get into an argument about what group suffered the bigger tragedy...the bigotry and prejudice both groups(and other minorities) faced in the past and in the present is terrible. Still, in no way do I advocate hate to people...frankly it is unproductive and idiotic. Still, instead of ranting on black people why not go after those who attack people of Jewish descent..if you feel so strongly about it, go write to SNL and MADTV. I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish by ranting here.</p>
<p>An intelligent person might have concluded that since the thread disappeared, it might not be the wisest thing in the world to start up another in the same vein.</p>
<p>The thread was dumb and it was going nowhere good so it was deleted. </p>
<p>This thread is being closed and folks who want to keep their CC posting privileges should question the wisdom of starting, or even participating in, such a thread again.</p>
<p>--Moderator Obiwan</p>