Racism at CAL POLY?

Hello:)! Recently I have been admitted to cal poly which I am really happy about and was researching what’s it like at cal poly slo and stumbled upon articles addressing the prominent racism in slo with a scandal of blackface. Being Asian, can anyone confirm there is racism as I’d rather go to a less academically excelling school if so. I have already experienced enough racism going to predominately white neighborhoods.

In general you should be okay at CPSLO. Many Asians have gone there and encountered no problems. There can be isolated incidents from that very small minority of people who are just ignorant or have not changed in attitudes. This can still happen just about anywhere, even in a progressive schools like UCB, UCLA, etc. It is that 1 minority that creates an incident and suddenly it is big headline news. I live in a predominately white (>80%) neighborhood and the schools in the district are all Blue Ribbon schools with high test scores and well over 95% go on to college. My daughter had no problem while 1 of my 2 boys encountered a racial incident during the 4 years in high school. In college, none of my kids encountered any racism (2 in CA colleges and 1 in WA college).

btw, this question should be in the Cal Poly blog, not UC General.

CP isn’t a UC - they are both part of the CSU system. They have a pretty active board so ,you might have better engagement asking your question there.

I think you can find racists at any college. I haven’t spent enough time on campus to have a real sense for what it is like from that perspective. They have had a couple of high profile incidents so, i would bet the school is applying a lot of pressure to the Frats and other clubs (which of course isn’t a magic wand).

I’d suggest you visit the school, find some students and talk to them about their experience.

@jimpix , see above comments if you haven’t yet. Your psot was moved from UC General to CPSLO.

@jimpix, it’s been addressed in the thread linked below. I think it’ll answer you questions and allay any fears you have.


I got admitted for 2019-20 too! I have been really concerned about the racism towards Asians previously. I am asian and I’ve heard stories of people dropping out because of the racism there. But at the point, if all does happen, i will probably live off campus.

@classicnicole read this thread written by an Asian who graduated CalPoly a couple of years ago: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/cal-poly-san-luis-obispo/1974105-cpslo-graduating-senior-here-to-answer-any-questions-p1.html He touched on race issues on a few of the posts and the TL;DR is that if you want to be in an environment dominated by Asians you would not like it, but he personally was fine.