Racism at Colorado College

<p>I am a current student at Colorado College, and I am of Mexican descent. I want to warn all of you that CC is not a good place to be. I have been called numerous racial slurs everyday, in fact one of my teachers actually called me a "beaner."</p>

<p>To make matters worse, some vandals have spread feces all over the walls in some of the dorms. If you were considering CC I would strongly discourage you not only on the grounds that the staff is racist, but more importantly on the health risks imposed by fecal matter being present in public places.</p>

<p>Oh wow I'm surprise to hear such. Also knowing that Colorado has a high hispanic population.</p>

<p>Now, this is certainly surprise. When I first read it, I thought it was spam, but I guess it definitely isn't. Your story would quickly beg the following question: Why are you still a student at CC?</p>

<p>Any other CC students out there who can speak to this issue?</p>

<p>Alberto, I don't think this is true. If you could find other students to back you up it would be more believable. I am on the wait list at Colorado College, and I have talked to several alumni, and all of them said they NEVER experienced racism at CC. I could be wrong, but after I visit CC next week, I'll know how full of **** you are.</p>

<p>Yeah, my brother goes there and he definitely would have told me about something like that vandalism happening....so this is not true.</p>

<p>Alberto--which teacher? Did you report the teacher? </p>

<p>Was the vandalism by CC students? </p>

<p>I'd like to follow up on this with Colorado College. </p>

<p>Seems like there are active organizations at CC for all groups.</p>

<p>Colorado</a> College | Student Groups</p>

<p>My S hasn't mentioned the feces "event" (which surprises me), but I'll ask him.</p>

<p>If this is your experience at CC [along with your dislike of the block system that you have posted on another thread], are you transferring?</p>

<p>Word travels fast at a small LAC like Colorado College and my S has not mentioned the incident to me (I am also surprised and will also ask S) The CC student body is known for
being liberal, bright, laidback and very friendly, not tyopically the kind of students involved in that kind (or any kind) of vandalism. I find it shockng that the administration would ignore vandalism and professors using racial slurs.</p>

<p>S just called about another matter and I asked him about vandalism. He is in a dorm and has not heard about anything about alleged vandalism. He is a pretty social kid with different groups of friends and is confident that if such an "event" took place he would
have heard about it as word travels fast at such a small school.</p>

<p>My S says there is a story of the status of urban legend that poop was found smeared in a toilet cubicle by a very drunk kid, but that it did not happen this year.</p>

<p>He has never seen overt racism, nor felt anti-Semitism. He says there is joking around about ethnicities, just as there was in his VERY diverse high school.</p>

<p>I think it's pretty clear that this Alberto kid (or immature adult) is making this up. I have talked to several CC students who said nothing about this sort of conduct. I would recommend that all students considering CC disregard this post, because it is total BS</p>

<p>I hope the administrators will delete the whole thread, as it adds nothing but innuendo & misunderstanding.</p>

<p>A similar post popped up among the Haverford threads.</p>

<p>tk, I applied to haverford as well, and I saw the thread you were mentioning, however I believe that person had a link to a college newspaper article about someone rubbing poop all over the walls, I don't see any legitimate sources on this claim</p>

<p>I agree with Canadian mom.</p>

<p>I checked out Alberto's other posts and in the space of 5 minutes on the 31st he posted his racism comment twice (once under the title "10 tips to find a great college", that thread has since been removed). The other post was about Col College but makes no mention about racism, just that he's unhappy their. </p>

<p>I get the feeling this is a disgruntled student or a disappointed applicant, either way, I agree with what others have said, I don't think this event ever took place.</p>