Radcliffe to join Class of 2011!

<p><a href="http://www.dailyprincetonian.com/archives/2007/01/17/news/17113.shtml%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.dailyprincetonian.com/archives/2007/01/17/news/17113.shtml&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Today's joke issue!!</p>

<p>hahahaha how funny.
I liked it.
If I get accepted to Princeton RD round and he was also, that would be a big turnoff for me.
(No offense to Daniel Radcliffe, of course, he seems like a nice person)
I'm much too narcissistic to be overshadowed by someone ;]</p>

<p>hahahaha, that was a good one!</p>

<p>awwww...when I read the name of the thread, I thought you were serious!!
But it still was pretty funny!</p>

<p>hahah how did this rumer get so widespread?</p>

<p>haha if only</p>

<p>I'm hearing more and more that this is true though. I haven't had anyone of authority tell me directly, but I've heard a bunch of things through three degrees--friend knows a friend whose mom says Rapelye confirmed it. Don't get your hopes up though--even if he were accepted, odds are that he's going to defer for a while.</p>

<p>This rumor has moved beyond the Princeton community, too--a friend who will be going to Columbia asked if it was really true that HP was going to be in my class at Princeton!!</p>

<p>He would have to defer for at least 2 years, though, right? If they just shot the 5th movie, there are still 2 more in his contract, and I doubt they're going to bring the filming to Princeton, NJ.</p>

<p>Although that would be pretty AMAZING.</p>

<p>What's to say they wouldn't film at Princeton? It's as close to Hogwarts and paradise as you could get! ; )</p>

<p>Haha good point. Maybe our idea of nicknaming the residential colleges with house names actually needs to happen.</p>

<p>Well realistically, he could probably shoot out of the films during the summers if he wanted to start with the class of '11.</p>

<p>Don't they take a long time to shoot though? I mean, I would imagine they probably take a bit longer than 3 months to shoot.</p>

<p>I could be completely wrong about that though...not like I am very well informed about the makings of Harry Potter movies.</p>

<p>Yeah, I was actually kind of surprised when I heard the rumors because it seems like it would make more sense for DR to wait to go to college until after all of the movies were done, which I think would take more than a year. Are you allowed to defer admission for more than 1 year? I thought it was just 1, but maybe they would make an exception for him, who knows?</p>

<p>Yeah, I kind of think that they wouldn't tell him that he couldn't come back for the class of '13 or '14. Like "Sorry, Harry, your Potions O.W.L. just wasn't up to par. We're only going to allow you to defer 1 year."</p>

<p>I need to stop with the whole Daniel/Harry thing.
But I can't!!</p>