Rain, Rain, Rain

<p>Why is it raining sooooo much?</p>

<pre><code> I have viewed some television and noticed the floods in some of the states:Illinois,Indiana, Ohio are in bad shape. I really feel for the victims that have to face this tragety.

Climate conditions seem to me strange and a little scary. Why did that storm come from the west coast of Africa and during this time of the year? Anyone for answers?


<p>"Global Warming" is slowly taking its Toll</p>

<p>Its making the weather go crazy!</p>

<p>aren't the magnetic poles supposed to switch and make us enter a mini ice age?</p>

<p>yeah, it's really bad. the whole interstate is closed because of flooding (extremely busy commuter highway), and they're evacuating people by boats two towns over from me.
this is indiana, we never have things like this here!</p>