Raising SAT score 2300+?

<p>Okay so on this June SAT I had 2180. 740 reading 710 math 730 writing</p>

<p>I had 11/12 essay, 69 MC subscore</p>

<p>But I missed 5 reading questions (1 SC, 4 reading) I'm happy with it but it would be great to raise the reading score I'm really worried about math and writing.</p>

<p>In math I missed 4 math questions, and the worst part is that I knew every question that I missed. I did so many practice math sections that I pretty much know the format but something just happened on that test idk</p>

<p>I missed 3 writing MC left 1 blank. My essay was an 11/12.</p>

<p>So can I raise it above 2300? 2350 is my dream score, 2400 would just consummate my life.
2250+ is a good range. On BB practice tests the range was around 2200 - 2370. Is it possible? And if it is give me tips!!!!</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>Definitely take it again. If you know you can do better on the math, you will probably do better on the next testing.</p>

<p>It is possible. Your score is extremely close to your goal. Different tests may have questions that may seem easier to you, even they aren’t supposed to, so its always good to take it again. When I first practiced for the SAT, my scores were as low as 1600s, but I did a lot if practice and finally pulled up past 2300. So good luck and study hard!</p>