raising sat score?

<p>Can anyone tell me by average how much their sat scores increased by either studying or with a private tutor?</p>

<p>1980 my first try with tutor but little studying on my own</p>

<p>2120 second try when I studied some</p>

<p>What grade were u in when u took the sat?</p>

<p>Junior both times. This year actually, January and March.</p>

<p>Do you think there will be a extreme difference if you take sat in 10th and 11th?</p>

<p>I actually have found that sophomores don't do as well on the SAT, probably because they don't have as strong of a background in the Math and Writing sections.</p>

<p>Thanks, i'm a sophmore and I took the SAT.</p>

<p>Tutors help the most IF you do a lot of studying by yourself. However, unless you plan on applying to college in junior year, you should not use sophmore year SAT scores. You will peak in mathematical abilities at least in junior/senior year. I suggest you cancel your scores.</p>

<p>Isn't Precalculus enough for Math, though? What kind of writing skills do you develop that you wouldn't have in Sophomore year?</p>

<p>Well it does depend on your school- in my school we take Precalculus in junior year and Calculus AB in senior year. But I would suggest you just take the SAT in Junior year. You will have acquired larger vocabulary, will have developed academically, will have matured intellectually, will have an even stronger background in math, etc. Unless there?s some rush to apply to college in Junior year, I see no reason to just take the SAT's at your peak in Junior year. Nothing wrong with preparing now though.</p>

<p>My school has that track too, I'm just started a year early since I went to a different middle school. My main goal was to study now and get the SAT out of the way this year since I'm spending my entire summer overseas and I'd like to allocate the time to work on SAT IIs and my AP classes...</p>

<p>Colleges wouldn't frown on taken the SATs to early would they? I know a Freshman who just took the test a few weeks ago, and that's just insaaaane.</p>