Random funny things that make you feel old

Only with numbers…

One of the cutest wall hangings I ever saw said something to the effect of:

No one really knows how old they are. If you die tomorrow, you’re old! If you live to be 100+ you’re probably still middle aged.

Granted, FIL at 94 can feel old, but his mind is still a lot younger than some, so there’s that too. Considering you’re on cc typing things we don’t have to decipher, your mind is still younger than many!


Oh! I guess I was in DC in 2019, and not as long ago as I thought! The pandemic slowed time…



Not to brag, but I got carded at the Ole Smokey moonshine store in Pigeon Forge the other week.

Ok, it was a store policy to card everyone regardless of age, but still! I whipped that puppy out so fast :joy:


Haha! About 15 years ago, when I was still in my ‘prime’, I dropped my kids at school one Tuesday morning and popped into a nearby store to pick up something my S needed for school the next day. When I came to pay, I noticed I had been undercharged and so brought it to the attention of the cashier - she said, ‘oh, that’s correct, seniors get 10% discount on Tuesdays’! Excuse me? I was about ten years away from being ‘senior’ and certainly did not look ‘senior’ then! :dizzy_face:

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My H shares season tickets for our local MLB team and I am always surprised that I get carded when I go to buy a beer; the park vendor’s policy is to card everyone. I get it—but it still seems stupid when it’s obvious that the person buying the beer is clearly over 21.

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What store because I’m down for 10% off!

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I think it’s for liability purposes, but I’m gonna take the win


Investing in a larger screen TV because DH and I are having trouble seeing the subtitles…and yes, needing the subtitles in the first place, because “why are they mumbling?”


It was Ross, but here is a link to tons of discounts!

Take your pick :slight_smile:


I have a similar story, @momo2x2018. A few years ago, a grocery store cashier asked for my ID when she rang up a bottle of wine in my cart. When I said, “Thanks, but really?,” she replied, “It’s Senior Wednesday. I just want to make sure you get the discount if you’re eligible.” I thought to myself, “maybe I’ll just sit in the parking lot and down the whole bottle while I re-assess my self-image.”


I can’t watch without subtitles!! We walked into Sam’s club one day and they had just put a clearance sticker on a 75" super high def smart whatever tv, best $498 we’ve ever spent :grinning: the subtitles are huge


“Can someone make the font a bit bigger, you know oldfort is going to ask for that.”
But hey, a lot of other people appreciate it but just too embarrassed to ask.


My uncle turns 80 today. It is rather shocking that I can remember him when he was in college! He is 6 years younger than my dad and lived with our family when he attended UT-Austin. He was great about spending time with me. But ack, how did time go that fast?


A couple of years ago I set up a checking account at a new bank. Once we were done, the very young account person wanted to walk me, step by step, through the online banking system. I said, “Thank you. I don’t need the help–I’m pretty good at that stuff”, to which she replied “Ooohhh…that’s so cute.” :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :roll_eyes:

I have a slight situation that I never know how to respond to.

When there are no seats on trains, do I get up for old people or not?

I saw a older person (probably in his late 60s, early 70s) on the train the other day and I offered him my seat. He looked at me like I had committed a grave sin and he quickly refused.

Most older people are fine with being offered but there are some who get slightly offended.

All we can do is put good out into the world; we can’t control what others do with it :blush:


Yes, always.


Wait. Late 60s, early 70s is “older?” :flushed:


Wait. Late 60s, early 70s is “older?” :flushed:

I feel like if I respond honestly, I’m going to end up inadvertently offending people.

You’re setting me up here lol.