<p>do people at MSU carry backpacks to most of their classes? or do most people (i guess mainly girls) carry like some type of tote bag to just put their books in? </p>
<p>Also, are we allowed to use our laptops to take notes? Because if we are then I don't see the point in buying notebooks or anything like that. Or do some teachers get mad if you're on your laptop? Thanks!</p>
<p>Most people use backpacks as far as I can tell. The only time you’re probably not going to need a backpack is when you’re going to classes in Snyder. Other than that, tote bags are kind of a pain in the butt for books IMO. Maybe another girl could answer this too to give her another perspective :).</p>
<p>Btw- I highly recommend a Jansport backpack. It’s a touch pricier (like literally $10-20), but they have lifetime warranties, and I have known a few people that had cheaper backpacks rip because of the stress from books and stuff. Just throwing it out there. I also used mine to backpack through Costa Rica and it worked like a champ :).</p>
<p>Most teachers will allow you to have laptops to take notes. However, I’m going to be honest- as an RCAH major you will not be taking almost any notes in class. In other gen ed classes, maybe but I’ve gotten through all of them just fine without a notebook. In my anthro 4–something class last semester, I literally wrote 4-5 pages of notes a day, but I still don’t regret buying a big laptop. Personally, my laptop is 17" and while it is a pain if I want to take it anywhere, I don’t regret it because it has helped me enormously on visual projects I’ve had to do for the RC.</p>
<p>Thank you! Well I have 3 of my classes in the RCAH and only my French class is in Berkey Hall (and btw do you know how far that is from snyder-phillips? I think it’s a 5 min walk?). But I don’t think I even have many books so I can probably just carry them. </p>
<p>So are RCAH classes mostly discussion based? It’s weird to think I don’t have to take notes because in high school I had to take notes in almost all of my classes. How do you study for exams and all that w/o notes?</p>
<p>Berkley is about 5 minutes away, walking slowly (my Spanish classes are there as well, so I’m well acquainted with the building lol)… it’s probably 1500 hundred feet away? It’s close. </p>
<p>You should be fine then first semester if you don’t want to buy a backpack right away. </p>
<p>Yeah almost all of the RCAH classes are discussion based. I don’t know of anyone who has had an exam. That’s not how RCAH is. The classes are all discussion/project/paper based. It’s better that way, IMO. I mean you can memorize facts until the cows come home, but that’s not going to give you a lot of depth in a particular area like a paper or project can. </p>
<p>French you will take notes for, but for me personally, I can’t take notes for a foreign language class on a computer. If you think you could then go for it, but I just think it’s easier to write them out hand written :).</p>
<p>Wow that’s awesome! So RCAH doesn’t even have like a final exam or a mid-term? Just papers? </p>
<p>I like to write papers and I suck at memorization, plus I don’t really think memorization helps you learn anything very well. So yeah I will probably just buy a notebook for french :)</p>
<p>I only use a tote when I walk to class and use a backpack when I ride my bike. I recommend a North face backpack. Great quality and some of them are waterproof, which is great for snow.</p>
<p>Yeah, more or less- RCAH only has papers, projects, and presentations. I think there was one class who had a test on African art… but that teacher is kind of crazy lol.</p>
<p>Haha wow that’s so cool. Also, how are the desks that come w/ the room? Are they nice? Or should I bring my own ? And would you suggest I bring my own chair or no?</p>
<p>Noooo! Do not bring your own desk! Lol. They are fine and there is absolutely NO room for another one. The chairs are fine too. If anything, you might just want to bring a pillow or something to sit on.</p>
<p>Haha okay thanks that’s what I figured. Thanks again for all your help :)</p>
<p>One more question… I heard snyder-phillips doesn’t have a wireless internet connection? so how do you get internet? can you set up your own connection?</p>
<p>Sny-Phi doesn’t have WiFi in their dorm rooms (yet). What we did was buy a cheap router for the room and used that. The other option is just to have an ethernet cable. </p>
<p>The class rooms, ground floor, and middle hall ways where the classes are all have internet.</p>
<p>ooh okay great sounds awesome!
Thanks again haha</p>
<p>Hi, i’m new to this forum, but i’m a senior and i just got done taking 4 semesters of french- so let me know if you have any questions! Which french class are you taking?</p>
<p>Oh hey
I am taking french 102. I do have one question… what are the french classes like? Is it more like a lecture or does the teacher interact a lot with the students?</p>
<p>It’s definitely more interactive then lecture-based: be prepared to talk A LOT in class. A large part of the grade is for participation; and make sure you don’t skip class- you can only have 6 absences. I was really shy and intimidated by speaking french in class, but you get used to it, so don’t worry. Another bit of advice: don’t wait until the due date to do your workbook, especially if you have the online version (it was online for 201& 202; not sure about 102’s workbook because they just got new textbooks last year) because it sometimes gets jammed with everyone online at the last minute and you don’t get a chance to finish.</p>
<p>thanks! yeah my french classes in high school were more interactive too so i’m not worried. thanks again :)</p>