Random Questions

Guess if I’ve made it this far without thinking about what my shoes are bringing into the house I won’t start worrying about it now. Although I don’t usually wear shoes in the house–those and the bra are the first things off.

I’m much more likely to go barefoot outdors than wear shoes in the house. I hate wearing shoes. Have never gotten anything from going barefoot and I do it everywhere. Would never ask guests to remove their shoes in my home but many do. Not sure what people are afraid of. I understand that the house is cleaner if people remove their shoes but I own a broom and a vacuum. My house is not dirty.

“Fly into NZ and you have to declare if your shoes have been on a farm! They are very serious about biohazard risks since theirs is a unique biosystem.” This is pretty common and the USA is big on it as well. My kids have actually been on farms abroad and they get the whole swipe down coming back home. My daughter joked that INS/Homeland Security gave her a free boot shine they were so serious and thorough about it. :wink:

Yes, they do ask on the customs form if you’ve visited a farm. They were really rigorous about it when mad cow was going around the UK.

@wellspring: If one of the first things you take off is your bra, maybe you need a good bra fitting. Your bra shouldn’t be uncomfortable.

DH travels internationally all the time and said NZ was far stricter than any place he’s been .

“If one of the first things you take off is your bra, maybe you need a good bra fitting. Your bra shouldn’t be uncomfortable.”

Some of us like less restriction of any form. No shoes, no bra, no socks, nothing restrictive. I’m definitely NOT a nudist but if I had my preference I’d hang out in t-shirts and lounge pants whenever I could.

@alh could you open all the doors and windows, then open the flu and run like heck? The duck or whatever will most likely find its way out pretty quickly. On the other hand, if it gets trapped in your flu long enough to die, the smell and the flies will be horrendous. A squirrel got caught and dies in my mom’s chimney, and we couldn’t get rid of the flies for several weeks. Ugly.

There is no such thing as a bra that is comfortable. I have tried them all. And I mean all. And I have been professionally fitted. Apparently that just means tight.

I think it’s easier to have comfortable bras when we are “less endowed.” I know I had an easier time of it before my cup size increased and chest width decreased.

It’s basic physics at some level and gravity. When you have chronic respiratory conditions, it adds to the fun, as chest constriction makes breathing more challenging and you may also get barrel chested, making sizing even tougher.

It’s yet another area men don’t have to contend with.

I have comfortable bras, but I like to be free. In fact, in the summer, my shirts and dresses are selected with this in mind; I purchase mostly ones that can be worn without bras.

My feet like freedom and coziness, so I wear comfy slippers when indoors. I take them on vacation and even to some people’s houses.

At our house, we take off shoes. My kids like to be barefoot, and I like the fact that I don’t have to worry about tracked in dirt much. When we have guests, they sometimes (mostly, really) take off their shoes, but, if they ask, I tell them to do what makes them comfortable. When we go to others’ homes, we take off shoes unless we’re at a party where everyone else has theirs on. I still ask, though.

We’ve incubated duck eggs, and it’s so fun when the hatch and are young! Our houses have been on ponds with other wild and domesticated (but like wild) ducks, though, so, while our ducks had done adorable things like follow us around when they are young, they quickly assimilate with the older ducks and do not want much or anything to do with us. Only one has flown away, though. They’re fun to watch!

@alh - I am worried about the creature in your fireplace. This is what we did when we had that situation. For birds- we had someone armed with a net and the doors to the house opened. Opened the flue, bird flies out, netter misses but the bird headed right for the open door. For squirrels- we actually dropped a rope down (tied to the outside) and the squirrel climbed out. You really don’t want whatever it is to die in there, do you? Bats will also head for open doors/windows. Then, when the weather is good, you screen off the top of the chimney.

I am “less endowed,” and my bras are comfortable. Very comfortable. So I guess I don’t know what the “amply endowed” deal with and how they feel.

Hayden, Onward - thank you. Since I have always lived in old houses, where critters get trapped in the walls, I have the same concerns as you, especially as I am about to head out of town.

First thing this morning I called one of the men who works for me on and off. He is coming to deal with it. I could kick myself for not having done that first thing yesterday. Although he has told me to call for any emergency, I was trying to save up my emergencies. Also, I really expected my neighbor who brings me eggs to bring some yesterday, and that as soon as she heard what was up she would take care of it for me. She enjoys problem solving and helping people and her husband, son, brothers are all very close preparing their fields and I imagined she would get them over to solve the problem and then I’d make refreshments for everyone. And they would have another good story about the city slickers. I didn’t like to call her about it, because I’m saving her help for emergencies as well. But I was sure as soon as she knew about it, she would take care of it.

New random question:

H and I are going to Aruba in a couple weeks, we are staying at a nicer place than we usually do. It’s a “cashless resort” - not all inclusive but everything will evidently be charged to our room and we’ll settle up when we leave. So excited!

Anyhow - as I said this place is a bit fancier than we are used to so I’m looking for just a couple comments on tipping. We like to not be stingy with tipping but I really am at a loss here. Concierge - I don’t plan on utilizing him/her very much but maybe a couple times. Tip at the beginning of the stay? Each time they are used? At the end of the stay? Approx amount? What about the Bartender (and I DO plan on utilizing him/her quite a bit, hahah) - beginning/middle/end of trip? Each visit? Approx amount? The guy/girl that delivers drinks/snacks to our chairs on the beach (see why I’m excited)?? Housekeeping, I’m assuming at the end of the trip…

Dont’ want to turn this into a tipping thread, just looking for a couple different opinions.

My daughter was suspended from university last week mid semester . Can she go to a technical school now are does she have to wait till summer

I’m wiping my eyes because I’m laughing SO HARD at the Felix Unger reference. :smiley: Thank you for the input-since we’re right on top of our neighbors (by choice) and I’m a considerate neat freak, it looks like this particular dream will have to wait until we end up buying land somewhere in the middle of nowhere just to noodle around on.

We lived in Japan and acquired the not wearing shoes in the house habit. However, I did NOT acquire the “put flip flops on that are sitting by the front door of the house for inside use”. Ew ew ew. When the girls’ friends come over there is always a pile of shoes at the front door-they’ve adopted this habit much more easily than my generation has. I never ask people to take off their shoes in my house-it can survive one night of shod tromping.

I’m either barefoot, in stilettos, or in tennis shoes. I only put shoes on when I need them to serve a purpose.

We have no rugs in the house because I think they’re like sweaters you walk on and can never wash. I can’t deal with fabric you can’t wash.

I’d check with the schools she’s interested in attending and ask about their policies. Do you know why she was suspended and how that will affect her options? How will the behavior that caused the problem be dealt with going forward? What interventions will be added? Any appeals at her U?

@JustaMom5465 wrote

I tip for the specific service, I never do blanket tipping. If you tip a bartender well for a good drink at the beginning of a trip, he/she should remember you and make sure you get a great drink fast for the rest of the trip. If not-find another bartender to tip. When we’re on vacation we don’t drink a lot, but we like to do one special drink a day, (this is usually on a cruise), and we spend the first day watching the bartenders to find one that is worthy of our repeat business (and generous tips).

We usually tip the bartender 20%. We usually get amazing drinks :D.

Housekeeping is at the end of the trip, although occasionally we’ll slip them some cash mid-trip if the girls have been especially messy in their rooms.

You want to feel like the tip is money well spent-that’s how we look at it.

“Amply endowed” definitely isn’t all people imagine it is. There are many who would happily trade to be slightly “less blessed,” without a scalpel or plastic surgeon. Sure, clothing tends to fit rather nicely, but finding truly comfortable undergarments is a constant and expensive struggle.

You also have to be careful not to look like you’re trying to “flaunt it” when you are just dressing casually and end up looking “too sexy.”