Random Questions

The corollary to these: drinking a diet soft drink while indulging in dessert significantly reduces the calorie count of the treat.

I don’t know why some tennis balls stink now, but we’ve noticed this too (my two tennis teams). We stick with Penn tennis balls because they (so far) haven’t been smelly.

To me, truffle oil smells like fresh tennis balls :stuck_out_tongue:

No, she has sandals, but a gown that REALLY could double as a bathrobe is rather unique attire for such a setting. Never heard of this woman before. Guess she’s a famous Canadian. I can’t keep up.

No, she has sandals, http://stylenews.peoplestylewatch.com/2016/03/11/blake-lively-and-ryan-reynolds-canada-state-dinner/. See photo? They don’t look very comfortable, but not barefoot.

@HImom, Blake Lively is American, not Canadian. Among other things, starred in the tv show Gossip Girl and the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie.

She’s American.

Blake Lively is Louboutin’s BFF. Those do look like they have the infamously litigated red soles. Did Louboutin finally make invisible shoes?! Those sandals look very, very unstable and a pain to walk in. Gimme my Trubutes any day of the week! :slight_smile:

Whoops–my bad. It was a dinner honoring Canada tho. Didn’t expect my comment to excite such interest. Guess I’m not the only one bored. :-"

Her husband is Canadian.

Since we’re being random, I loved Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants.

@lookingforward that’s on Netflix this month.

Bad news, @MotherOfDragons - one of the really stinky tennis balls was a Penn. I am trying to bathe one in Dawn detergent right now to see if that helps. I can walk into a room and know that there is one of these new tennis balls. Yuck!

@Onward that’s a bummer :frowning: I don’t think the smell comes out-I think they’re using some sort of new rubber now. Yuck indeed.

Did anyone see the picture of Malia Obama super fangirling Ryan Reynolds? It was so cute!!!

That dress/bathrobe was a brilliant move by Blake-everyone’s talking about it. I’m sure every straight guy there thought “what if I pull on the tie?” The answer of course is that Deadpool will kick you into tomorrow, but I’m sure they had the thought :))

Sure everyone’s talking about it, but not in a good way! Remember when Princess Di danced with John Travolta at the White House in that glorious dress? I don’t even remember who was President. Who cares when something that wonderful happens!

Is this pattern of going right from undergrad to grad school a new thing? Was it born out of the poor job prospects after the recession in 2008? It seemed in my generation that folks would graduate with a BS/BA, work for a couple years to get some work experience and/or figure out what really interested them, then take the plunge in getting an advanced degree. Now, watching my kids’ peers it seems like most go to grad school immediately. Am I missing something then or now or have things changed?

@doschicos , back in 1994 my husband went directly from undergrad to graduate school. However, he was 26 at the time and had taken several years off from his first undergrad school to the one he eventually graduated from to work. So he technically did take a few years, but not in the traditional way.

D17 is planning on doing one of those masters in 5 years things for her major, but she’s super focused and knows exactly what/where/when she wants. D15-absolutely no clue.

I think it depends on the kid more than the job market.

Some programs require at least 2 years of relvant job experience in addition to GRE and other typical stuff. All of the top programs in Public Health my kid looked at had this requirement.

Both my kids took some time off between BA and grad school.

And one day, if we’re all lucky, everyone will be out of grad school and working again.

D took a year off after undergrad to write her grad school applications. Found tutoring and substitute teaching jobs. I think she was very wise, I cannot imagine her doing those applications & interviews during the same year that she was writing her honors thesis.

S1 went straight to grad school; S2 is just taking the GRE 4 years after he graduated college. I’m not sure if that means he’ll be applying to grad school this fall.

@doschicos ,
I went right from undergrad to grad and so did many of my friends/classmates. That said, in my field,it is now very hard to do that. Many of the program’s want their students to have a few years of clinical or research experience. I did research and a senior thesis in college, so maybe that counted.