Random Questions

I’m a cookie fan myself.

Also, if you break the cookies into two or more pieces, the calorie count is reduced, due to something called “calorie leakage.” ;:wink:

I ordered a small birthday cake for my daughter-in-law and the bakery forgot to make it :frowning: so they gave me a few little small bites of things complementary as a compensation. I guess that’s probably better in the long run so that I don’t eat more cake than I should.

VH, my MIL used to claim that anything you eat off someone else’s plate has no calories.

A pair of cardinals just flew repeatedly into one of my windows. They were flying from a porch railing into the window so there wasn’t that much force behind it. When I stood in front of the window they flew away. What makes birds do this? I don’t think they nest close by because we have blue jays and crows. And it was storming last night if that has anything to do with it.

They see the reflection of the sky in the window and don’t realize its a window. I don’t think they are the smartest creatures. :slight_smile:

They fly into our window to let DH know the bird feeders are empty.

Actually, we have a great situation on the patio where the red flowers in the window boxes are reflected in the glass door. It leads to a lot of hummingbirds hovering in front of the glass door in front of the reflection.

Why do kids text things like: “OMG news. Call me” at midnight (after parent is asleep) and then not answer the phone as of 11 am the next day? Even when the kid has been told over and over to put a succint summary of whatever the news is in texts or phone messages so that the parent in question does not have to their entire day disrupted by worry?


Why did I eat dessert? I don’t think I even like dessert anymore. I’m so old my sweet tooth disappeared.

There is a cardinal that sits on my car door and admires himself in the mirror, or else thinks he’s hanging with a buddy. Of course, he also makes a mess. This is a problem I haven’t been able to solve, even though I keep parking the car in different places. Covering the mirror is just too much bother, at least so far.

adding: I think maybe I order dessert just to be a bit subversive in a bubble where no one else eats it. That’s not a real good reason.

But I prefer cupcakes to cake, and I eat my cupcakes with a knife and fork. When I eat them.

alh, Eat desert while YOU CAN!!! I must be much older than you or anybody else here. I cannot eat my most favorite foods any more. I say, EAT them while it lasts for you! The GI system gets old quicker than our other systems, at least it is true for my body. It is true and very sad, I miss my chocolate and I miss most fruits!

Regarding eating cupcakes with a spoon, I worked at a popular fast food chain when I was a senior in high school and I once saw a man in the dining room eating his burger with a knife and fork. Haven’t seen it before or since.

@Bestfriendsgirl your avatar is hilarious!

I love hamburgers, and order them all the time when dining out, but eat them with a knife and fork because I don’t eat the bread usually. It’s just a lot simpler than asking for a hamburger without bread. I don’t like to get my fingers messy when I eat. :wink:

Yes, I rarely eat all the starch that comes with burgers. I’m happy enough to eat about 1/2 or less of the bun and like the thin buns better than the thick ones. I really love burgers that come with grilled veggies, especially mushrooms and bell peppers. That said, I don’t eat burgers out much. They are messy and you really have not much idea of what is IN the ground meat. They HAVE to be consumed piping hot tho, that’s a given!

Following up on my post 246: The “news” turned out to be that a friend of a friend is tight with someone who might have something to do with hiring for the internship she is trying to get, and the friend of a friend will put in a good word for her. Not an event that required a frantic “OMG!” text in the middle of the night if you ask me.

I guess I ought to be relieved our rarely contact us and don’t send us any OMG’s. It would be nice if they communicated more, but we are happy that things work well for all of us. :wink:

@MotherOfDragons Thank you - it never fails to crack me up. I like your screen name. My S1 has a cat named Dova (dragon) and his GF has a Mother of Dragons t-shirt.

@Bestfriendsgirl I live in a tourist town and I see many visitors from Europe eating their hamburgers bun and all with a knife and fork.
I cut my cupcake into pieces with a knife but eat it with my fingers.

Can someone tell me this: I bought two different brands of tennis balls for my dog (Wilson and Penn) and after the balls have been outside for a day or two, they stink! At first, I thought a skunk got them; that’s how bad they smell. We never used to have this problem. Any ideas??

Why did Blake Lively wear her (very luxe) bathrobe to dinner at the White House?


Ye gads is she barefoot too?