Random Questions

Maybe they use sticky tape for hairpieces…

I’ve lived in Australia for five years and have never heard the songs listed in post #2 - with the exception of the first, and that was at a singalong at a meeting. And Rolf Harris has his own problems!

If you listened to the radio from 1 December through to Christmas, you’d hear the same Christmas songs you’d hear in the States, except fewer religious ones.

When we first moved here and were looking for Christmas decorations, I was amazed at how many Dickens-type fur collar things there were and how few Aussie ones. I did manage to find some Aussie animals with Santa hats for our tree (at the zoo!).

Most Aussie families spend Christmas Day at the beach with extended family (in fact, in Perth we see a lot of extended families together every weekend in the parks and beaches, which is nice and different from the U.S. as we are so scattered). . The long school holiday lasts from right before Christmas to the first week in February (their summer break). One of my Kiwi friends does “Christmas in July” so she can cook a roast and have Christmas pudding when it’s cooler.

Random question: Where do the bottoms of your shoes go when they wear off?

They meet their solemate

Or they fly sole-o

I was gonna keep mine but instead they were sole-d

They were here a minute ago but it seems someone took them. Only as sole would do that.

(Hope that one is allowed :frowning:

And sole long from those puns. I’ve cobbled enough of those together.

Tie up the lose ends!

What’s the little facebook symbol under each post, after the flag, like and helpful buttons?

^Looks like a way to share a post on your facebook page…

Poppy seeds. Let’s discuss poppy seeds. I would be a much happier person if poppy seeds disappeared.

DH loves his “everything bagels.” I spend most of my days finding poppy seeds everywhere – on the counter, in the sink, in the toaster, in the microwave, in my teeth – and I don’t even eat the bagels. DH thinks he’s helping to clean up when he pushes all the poppy seeds onto the floor with his hand.

This is not the worst problem in the world, but why can’t someone invent something so that the poppy seeds stick to the bagel, instead of falling off as soon as you breathe on them?

Solution for poppy seeds: move to warm climate and banish the bagels to the outdoors.

I recently saw some ridiculous thing about how you shouldn’t re-boil water. That somehow the chemistry changes, for the worse, if you boil that leftover water on your teakettle that was boiled yesterday as well! Sounds idiotic but I want @BunsenBurner or some other chemist here to help me laugh at it.

“DH thinks he’s helping to clean up when he pushes all the poppy seeds onto the floor with his hand.” Sounds like a husband issue more than a poppy seed issue. :wink:

Poppy seed cake is yummy!

It is both a husband issue and a poppy seed issue. I have determined that if I am ever widowed, there will never be another poppy seed in my house.

RE: re-boiling water. It does not change water itself, but if water has some impurities dissolved in it, it might increase concentration of these non-volatile impurities when part of your water evaporates as steam during boiling (like what happens when wine is “reduced”). If your water is clean and free of contaminants, it really does not matter much, and re-boiling it is not dangerous. Some tea connoisseurs claim that tea brewed with re-boiled water tastes icky because re-boiled water had less air dissolved in it than freshly boiled water, and it affects how tea is extracted out. Maybe it would matter if you are the Queen and is used to drinking the finest teas in the world, but for most of us, tea “froggie” (aka tea bags :slight_smile: ) users, it would make zero difference.

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Bald guys that wear yarmulkes (kippahs) often use two way tape.

Thats wild about water!

Your water has to be Fint-quality, and you will have to boil it really hard to evaporate it to a dangerous sludge for re-boiling to have any effect on your health.