Random Questions

Anyone else not have a “like” button on any posts? It was fine this morning but now I’m my iPhone I can only post emojis, can’t like.

No “like” button or any other like “report post” buttons for me either!

Well @BunsenBurner I would like your post BUT I CANT!!! :joy: :disappointed: :stuck_out_tongue:


I had similar problem earlier, but it’s now fixed.

Happening since the site upgrade. I reported it to the admins yesterday:


Ahh thanks. I closed out the page on my phone and reentered and all is fine!

How would you go about trying to find an obituary from 1974? Google searches including the home town are not producing results. But, we did locate the cemetery and the cemetery of their mother and father. A friend in college died in a car accident in another state- that’s all we know. Tried newspaper articles of car accidents and their obits. Their roommate is demented and has no memory of the friend. It’s strange.

You could try the library in the town where the friend passed. They may have the old newspapers archived.


Try the archives of the campus paper where the student attended. May not be a full obit, but might offer clues for further research.


Can you find the obit of the mother and father? It might say “preceded in death by…” and give you a clue.


Try the state archive or vital records office.


Has anybody gotten TSA-pre, with reimbursement via United Chase Explorer Visa? If yes, where/how?

I did find this link, which seems to indicate no extra paperwork needed to get the credit. But I’d love to hear from somebody that was successful on this.

Not for TSA-Pre but we have used the United Chase card successfully for global entry twice. IIRC, we paid with the card and the credit appeared in the next month’s statement.

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I don’t have the United card, so can’t answer your question about credit but I see that they reimburse for both TSA-Pre and Global Entry.

My advice is to get the latter: for only $15 more you get TSA-Pre plus expedited entry when you return from an international trip.

I travel often for work and whenever I return to the US, Global Entry lets me breeze through customs and immigration by simply doing a biometric face scan. No need to deal with long lines! It’s definitely a huge benefit for me, but even if you travel abroad just once or twice over the 5 year life of the Global Entry card, I believe the extra $15 is worth it.

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Actually the TSA-Pre vs Global Entry decision is the reason I’ve procrastinated. My husband has TSA-Pre, which is easier to get… does not involve driving to the airport. But his TSA-Pre expires in a few years, so maybe I should just make the effort to do Global Entry.


In our city there were other options besides the airport for the interviews and they were very quick appointments.

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Here are the options in my part of fly-over US. At least we have one in Colorado (luckily only an hour away). Wyoming, Montana etc have none. Darn- I really should have thought about this before snow season.

Oh geez- that is a lot to plan for!

Note - The map I posted above was from a company that expedites processing for business travelers. This is the official US site (which gives same results, just no map)

If the timing works and you get the conditional approval for GE, you can do the interview on your way back from an international trip. Instead of standing in the regular immigration/customs line, you go through a special lane which generally has very few people doing the same. H was able to get his GE interview that way very quickly. D had to drive 3+ hours (and this was 2 months after her conditional approval) for hers because all interview sites near her were booked solid for 6 months.

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