Random Questions

I just want to know why characters on screen never say goodbye before ending a phone call. They just hang up or click off.

^^ My kids say I do that!

I’m always left wondering what the other end does- keep talking and wait for it to be obvious no one’s there?

They hear the click I expect.

But if you use a cellphone, there’s no click! I think it’s a dramatic convention left over from the days where you would hear it.

At 60, I just bought a very minimal one-piece bathing suit. I wouldn’t want to swim in shorts and a long sleeved shirt–in fact, if I had the courage, I’d wear a bikini. For me, part of the pleasure of swimming is the flow of water over my skin. I do cover my skin when I’m out of the water.

I was just watching the news and it stated that sunrise is at 4:49am? (east coast)
The last week my body is waking up automatically at 5:30am and my alarm is for 6:30am.

I love this thread.

Outdoor rugs: Has anyone used one on their deck or patio? I’m concerned that they don’t dry and that the deck or patio surface underneath them would be damaged as the wet rug sat on it.

Experience? Opinions?

My experience with an outdoor rug is on a covered loggia in Florida. It sits directly on a stone floor and has done beautifully for the 1-1/2 years we’ve had it. The landscapers were getting it very dirty with their boots and from blowing all around it. I noticed that the guy who pressure washed the house sprayed it down to clean it so I use the garden hose whenever it needs a little cleaning. Given that it doesn’t get any direct sunlight, it takes several days to dry. I haven’t seen any mildew or discoloration on the stone below it.

I have a question about hostess gifts when invited to stay at someone’s home. I know what to take when visiting a friend, but what about when it’s a business visit? Soon we will be going to the vacation home of a business associate who has invited my husband to play in their member-guest golf tournament. Virtually all meals will be provided at the club as part of the tournament. I’m sure it is an expensive weekend, but will be paid for by the host’s company as my husband is an important client. In the past I have brought food or wine or have sent flowers after the event, yet somehow always worry that I haven’t done the right thing. Should I treat this situation any differently due to the business component?

There is a thread going about this topic. But as a business trip, would not think a gift is necessary.

I’m following the thread about hostess gifts, but wasn’t sure how much of a difference there is when it’s a business trip.I waffle between thinking that nothing is necessary because it’s business and then thinking about what a wonderful weekend they provide at their amazing home. We’ll be there at least 3 nights.

I think bringing something is always appropriate and never inappropriate.

When in doubt, I agree about erring on the side of thoughtful.

@GRITS80 Another vote for bringing something such as a consumable item or gourmet item from your area or flowers. Even if it is a business thing, they are still graciously welcoming you into their home. It’s always a kind gesture and ice breaker to bring something along. I’m sure it will be appreciated.

I agree that I’ll feel better bringing something for the hostess. I have an idea for something that I know she enjoys while at the vacation home. But it is really more of a token gift, i.e inexpensive. The weekend will be very nice so I think my insecurity is that anything I can bring is so minimal compared to what they offer us. This is when I have to remind myself that it’s the thought that counts.

@VeryHappy wrote

I just had a beautiful new deck built last fall with a nice pergola over it, and I bought an indoor/outdoor rug from Costco to go with it. That sucker NEVER dried! It was like walking on a sponge for days afterwards, and the deck is south facing and ten feet off the ground, with 1/8" spacers between the deck boards (for good drainage).

I was really worried that it would cause the wood underneath to disintegrate despite the new finish on it, so we rolled it up, tossed it off the deck, and threw it out. Biggest waste of $150 dollars ever.

Oh gosh – that’s exactly what I was afraid of. I can see putting one on a stone surface, but not a deck surface. Thanks.

ETA: You’re lucky it was only a waste of $150, and that you didn’t have to have that portion of the deck rebuilt.

Sometimes, you can read reviews and comments- and find who had what problems, then weigh. I think full sun might dry differently than shade. One brand might be crappier than another. Funny, but I’m almost in the market for a patio rug, where the sun only hits for an hour or two late in the day.

@lookingforward: I’m eager to hear your experience, after you’ve had it for a couple of months. Come back and tell us!