Random Questions

Why do the same people who railed against rap music a few years ago want to spend $1000 to see Hamilton?

Doschicos, that is usually a sign that the candidate is being seriously considered. Mr. B does a fair share of hiring, and he says he always asks the HR to check references when the choice is down to one or at the most two finalists.

Thanks, @BunsenBurner. Happy to report that a job offer was made this afternoon! :smiley:

Happy to hear that! Congrats! :slight_smile:

For tomato sauce stains, place Tupperware outside in the sun. It works for me. If there is chance of wind I put stuff around to keep it stable

computer question: we’ve been mac-based for 10 yrs now, and arent sure on using daughter’s new pc-based laptop/tablet thing. If she were to download or rent a movie, how would she do that. google play? can she have itunes on her dell-based system?

Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and other less known sites that are legit. AP has student pricing. You subscribe to some, other sorts run commercials, depending. My kids have Macs, I don’t, and they share my Neflix account, I share one’s Hulu account.

Funny you ask because I’m just as confused about Macs.

Random question: What would you think of an on duty police officer, in total full SWAT team gear, standing at the main entry/exit point of a very high profile event, cradling his submachine gun in one arm while actively puffing on one of the fattest cigars ever seen?

Obviously, by me posting this you know it bothered me. One, it looked unprofessional and took away from the importance/seriousness being conveyed to the task he was assigned to do. Two, I think LEOs serve as role models and by opening puffing on a huge stogie, he wasn’t providing a good role model. What he does on his own time off-duty is his own business. Maybe I’ve led a privileged life but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a police officer smoking a cigarette on duty except for in Rome. It kind of pissed me off.

If he’s serious about that gun he needs to have both hands free at all times.

EXACTLY, @greenwitch as well as getting that smoke out of his eyes. :wink: Seriously, why have the show of force carrying the heavy duty guns and gear if they aren’t going to act and look the part as well?! I’m sure he was being compensated quite handsomely while he was standing there as well. Aside from the importance of the role he was playing, I can’t think of many jobs where it would be ok to smoke a cigar while at work.

Cigar smoke is particularly nasty. And it’s not like a cigarette where he could just toss it on the ground quickly if he needed to. He would pause for a moment, and that could lead to tragedy.

I honestly regret not saying something to him.

In my direct, non-passive aggressive way. :smiley:

I have a question about getting a couch or chair reupholstered.

Years ago, I had Calico Corners reupholster a loveseat. When I got it back, it was very uncomfortable – they made it very very tight, so there was no “give” when you sat on it. We’re about to redo a lot of furniture in my LR. How do I select the right reupholsterer?

I keep buying those beautiful orchids at Costco but, after the blooms are done, I can never get them to come back to life. Please advise before my mug shot is on a wanted poster for being a serial orchid killer :frowning:

VH- are you able to join the website neighbors next door ? YOu can ask for local recommendations.

@Tonymom- as one with a black thumb too, my condolences. I think orchids need humidity and to water them with ice cubes every few days.

Orchids are quite a mystery. My BIL had some and finally gave up and put them outside to take to the trash and that’s when they finally sent up a new flower spike! After 2 years! But there are some good youtube tutorials that may help. I wouldn’t try ice cubes, these are tropical plants.


I used to have great success with getting my orchids to rebloom year after year. The ones I’ve bought the past 5 years or so, I haven’t had luck. We aren’t doing anything different than we used to - putting them in the same locations, same watering, etc. I’m beginning to think its an evil plot by the orchid growers to get me to buy new ones.

Thanks all!
At $14.99 each I figure they last longer than a store bought, cut flower bouquet so I’m ahead of the game!

Miss orchid lady’s video is long, but basically it comes down to nighttime temps in the low 60’s and daytime temps in the low 70’s with a definite light differential between day and night. They bloom in winter! I’m surprised.

@greenwitch The instructions that come with orchids actually recommend the ice cube method. I thought it was weird too, for a tropical plant. I gave mine away at the first opportunity so it wouldn’t die. I consider giving people potted plants right up there with giving them an unexpected puppy.