Random Questions

Sharknado fans here.

Try scrubbing with a thick paste of baking soda and water. There are new containers supposedly resistant to the acid in tomatoes. Sometimes, I line the container with wax paper or plastic wrap.

New question:
What do you use to clean kitchen cabinet doors? Since we stopped the housecleaner at the first of the year, these fun jobs fall to me, and I have no clue what to use.
They are a natural cherry, no polyurethane finish.
(H does plenty, and cabinet doors are not on his list of things to worry about.)

@jym626 wrote

Easy-switch to glass containers. Healthy, non-porous, and non-staining. :wink:

I have those too. Too heavy in some situations so have need for both.

^^That’s what Crossfit is for :smiley:

You probably saw-- I just ran a 10K (you can guess which one) . First race ever. One and done. No crossfit for me. Will live with stained tupperware!

@zeebamom - Try either a vinegar/water combo or water with a little dish detergent mixed in, then wipe down with a clean, damp cloth. Both will help cut through any greasy buildup without damaging the wood.

@jym626 very cool! (I only run if someone’s chasing me, but H has done that one several times).

@zeebamom - I used Murphy’s Oil and it worked great on my cabinets.

Jym, I use these:


They are non-stain (yup, tested tomato products and beets) and are very lightweight. I haul my lunches in them. The lids stay on really well. No spills or smells!

I like Oak -y- Dokey for wood. I think I found it at the grocery store.



I may have one of those, BB. I have some clear hard plastic containers.

OK; here’s a question about clothing styles. Why are the tops for juniors/women made so thin?
and, what is the style to wear under these thin tops?

^^^A lacy cammie, or low-cut or high-cut simple cammie or tank.

A lacy cammie does sounds pretty. We’ve been looking all over for plain colored women’s fitted t-shirts; and everything is so thin.

has anyone seen any anywhere that don’t require layers?

@bgbg4us Not known for setting fashion trends but I’ve been buying plain tees from Lands End the past 2 years. I used to buy other more expensive brands but found the quality was dropping and they were getting very thin. The Lands End ones are sturdy, inexpensive (they are always having sales) and come in a good range of colors. Might be worth trying one to see if it works for you.

With the tissue style tanks the girls will layer with a cami like this:


Although that’s really stiflingly hot here over the summer, so they tend to wear the tanks that have the super-deep armholes and wear sports bras underneath them.

They look like this:


It’s the whole “athleisure” style thing now.

@bgbg4us , try jcpenny. Their name brand t-shirts are pretty good. They have several styles and are on sale now for $6.99.

So, its been a very long time since I’ve had personal experience with the job search process. Trying to help someone “read the tea leaves” for a position and stay positive. After the second round of interviews, if HR asks for a list of professional references, I know that’s a positive sign. Is it usually done for a handful of candidates or is that step usual reserved for the top one or two being considered? Anyone with hiring or HR experience want to weigh in?