Random Rooming - Roommate Survey?

Hello hoosiers!

I’ll be enrolling at IUB in the fall and im super excited!!! I wanted to go random with rooming for this year. Since I’m going random, is there a roommate survey I’m supposed to fill out? I already filled out and submitted the housing application and clicked off the “no roommate preference” box. Anyone know if there’s an external link that we have to follow to talk about who we are, what kind of roommate we prefer, cleanliness of room etc? I’m a pretty tidy person and I remember that my elder sibling had a VERY messy roommate when she was in college. Thanks for all the help!

I’m pretty sure it’s totally random - no survey or anything. That’s what it was when I had a random roommate 3 years ago.

I now some other schools use matching survey’s but from what I know, IU does not. It truly is random. About the only things you may have in common will be in your selection of neighborhood, price point, etc. When you sign up for housing there was maybe 5 elements that you ranked in order of preference.

It’s random - no survey. My son asked housing that question a few weeks ago.