<p>harvard (of course. the one and only. and a friend goes here)
MIT (i think i’m going into science. and plus, i just love what MIT is associated with)
princeton (great school of course)</p>
<p>huge gap</p>
<p>ummm. hm
yale (one of my friend’s friend went to visit the campus and told us about it)
stanford (dislike so much. i won’t state my reasons to avoid angering people)</p>
<p>Because I’m a techie, I’m choosing places really good in engineering:</p>
<p>Stanford (because of job opportunities due to proximity to Silicon Valley, laid-back atmosphere, strength in ALL academic fields)</p>
<p>Princeton (because of strength in ALL academic fields, its “old England” atmosphere, and because it is ranked higher than MIT–and widely recognized in the world)</p>
<p>MIT (because of its pranks and strength in the tech field, AND because it’s the only one that has nuclear engineering out of the five, but I don’t know if I’m geeky enough for the Institute’s culture >_<)</p>
<p>Harvard (because it’s known all over the world, even if it has a not-so-strong engineering program)</p>
<p>Hahvahd, cause its got the girth.
Stanford, cali.
mit, cause you can cheat the casino system obvy.
yale, the place is way too dark and gloomy</p>