RANK is becoming a BIG PROBLEM

<p>I need to get into some top schools however, my rank which is about
8/385 I think might be a problem...it's all due to freshman year though......</p>

<p>ur top ten%, shut up...</p>

<p>I know that but it's sickening to see so many valedictorians get in only....</p>

<p>I happen to be 56 out of 192 and I got into CalTech since I got an 1850 on my SAT</p>

<p>Just a general question to everyone out there,</p>

<p>What is your second to least favorite imaginary number?
(note that 27/8i does not count)</p>

<p>Just a question, you say you "NEED" to get into a top school. So what happens if you dont? Are you going to die or something? Will you simply materialize into thin air if you do not get into Harvard???
After a thourough analysis of your scores I suggest Temple University for you. It is located in Philidedelphia, Pennsylvania. If you have never heard of Pennsylvania, then tough.</p>

<p>Josephr115, how did you get in with that rank and those scores?</p>

<p>Yea, how did you?
DARE I SAY: "you don't deserve it"
can I know ur other credentials?
essays, ecs, recs etc...?</p>

<p>don't whine about being in the top 10% - my son has a 95.6 average, 3.8+ GPA with advanced math classes bringing down his average and affecting class rank. In a competitive public high school, those numbers make his at the 21st percentile, which is ridiculous.</p>

<p>Are those advanced math classes weighted? Also, I imagine your school experiences somewhat heavy grade inflation.</p>

<p>Clearly. If that many kids have those high grades it means either there are many smart, studious kids, or more likely there is heavy grade inflation.</p>

<p>i pick heavy grade inflation.....
although the other is possible....</p>

<p>I currently have a 97% avg and am not in the top 10% of my school either. I think I'm around 70/550.</p>

<p>w t f!?
is it grade inflation, low courseload or just that the other kids are too smart?</p>

<p>Last year my avg was 97 and i was ranked 2nd. This year, its still 97 but my counselor told me I might drop 2-3 spots... arggg damn competition</p>

<p>my son is in the same type of situation. he has a 3.96 gpa, a 30 act and he wasn't in the top 10% at the end of six semesters. no weighted grades! "valedictorians" can take foods and nutrition and compete with students taking calculus and physics. oh well, such is life. in spite of senioritis, he's moved up several spots this past semester, so i guess it's ok. it's just been a sore subject with me since we moved to this town.</p>

<p>What exactly is "grade inflation"? Is it the fact that some schools give out easy As, or people taking easy classes? Is class rank much of a factor if the high school doesnt weight grades? I have a 3.96 taking the hardest, and I mean the absolute hardest courseload at my school but 10 people are ahead of me because they take "light" courses and our school doesnt weight grades. So how do top universities interpret this situation?</p>

<p>i think this whole ranking system is way over weighted. i have a 4.35 average (sophomore this year) and i'm only 60/950. in my opinion, ranking isn't that important. as long as you do good in ur classes and challenge urself, the colleges will see that. dont worry too much about it, just do the best you can.</p>

<p>@strikex2 - ranking is important.</p>

<p>important yes, but way to over rated. here is a situation. 2 schools. one is mediocre and one is nationally ranked like 40th or something. kid in mediocre HS takes the honors classes and gets weighted grade. beats most of his class with a 4.1 weighted grade. ranked 5th out of 150. kid in better HS takes tons of APs, gets weighted grade, gets a 4.39, only ranked 48 our of 350. </p>

<p>u can't just look at the rankings and say which kid is better. there are so many other factors to consider. like out EC activites, sports, volunteer work, standarized test scores...etc. just because you have a good ranking, that doesn't mean you'll get into a good university. </p>

<p>my friend, he was like 31/950. i think he had around 4.4 weighted. He got 5s on most of is APs and got 2250 (i think) on SAT. and did tons of EC and volunteer work. He got into Stanford.</p>

<p>important, yes, however not the only factor.</p>