<li>Volunteering/community service</li>
<li>Test Scores (AP, SAT, ACT, PSAT, IB...)</li>
<p>How important I think they are:
- Courseload
- Essays
- Extra-curriculars
- Test Scores (AP, SAT, ACT, PSAT, IB...)
- Volunteering/community service
- Awards
- Recommendations
- Job</p>
<p>How I think college admissions views:
- Courseload
- Test Scores (AP, SAT, ACT, PSAT, IB...)
- Essays
- Extra-curriculars
- Awards
- Volunteering/community service
- Recommendations
- Job</p>
<li>Test Scores (AP, SAT, ACT, PSAT, IB...)</li>
<li>Volunteering/community service</li>
<p>Personally... </p>
-The other (life events).
<p>YES COURSELOAD IS TOP?? yess cuz like, i am gonna take the toughest course load but my gpa isnt THAT good. Its mostly As but not too high. And my Rank isnt that good either! so seriously.. colleges view courseload > testscores??? and courseload > gpa?? and essays and everything??</p>
<p>^^ I'm wondering if that was sarcastic... I can't tell.</p>
<p>I would keep gpa at the top, followed by courseload and then sat scores and stuff.</p>
<p>I think that it's not as simple as Courseload>GPA or GPA>Courseload. It really depends on how much your GPA suffers as a result of a heavy courseload, and on how heavy is too heavy. I don't think you can -really- rank those two, though I agree that they're the top two.</p>
<p>yess -_- that was sarcasm... obviously u cant rate neither...</p>
<p>Sorry some people really talk and type like that without it being sarcastic. </p>
<p>Colleges want to see that you challenge yourself with hard classes. Some even like it if it means not getting the best grades because you take risks.</p>
-Test Scores (SAT, ACT, AP, IB)
-Volunteering/Community Service</p>
<p>I ranked Courseload first because it shows how much a student is willing to challenge himself/herself, and Testing second because taken as a whole, it represents how well the student succeeded (I think AP and IB scores should be much more important than they are now... as important as the SATs- replacing the SAT II's in consideration). GPA would also show this, but because of widely different weighting scales and grading systems in schools, it's a bit more iffy. </p>
<p>I put Awards in front of ECs because I think they show how much a student achieves in his/her EC... leadership positions in clubs today don't show much, and hours can be faked, so I think Awards/Accomplishments (such as big projects completed, etc) that show what you actually accomplished, should be more important than what you participated in.</p>
<p>ok, i have a question about course load. In my school, you have to qualify for AP and honors classes. are you allow at your schools to just sign up for AP classes? I would have taken AP Physics C, AP gov, ap calc bc, macro and micro econ, comp sci, but I didnt have the pre-recs/grades to get into these classes. for example, to get into AP physics at my school you need to have a 90 in Bio, chem, and physics, AND a physics teacher rec. </p>
<p>I think this is because my school wants to keep their 95% 3 or higher rate.</p>
<li>Test Scores (AP, SAT, ACT, PSAT, IB...)</li>
<li>Extra-curricular activities<br></li>
<li>Volunteering/community service</li>
<p>xxpor, for AP English & Bio we need an app.</p>
<p>For most of the rest we need teacher recommendations.</p>
<p>ummmm i really don't think the essay is a major part of the app. IDK why, but it just shouldn't be that big of a deal. If it is i'm screwed. I made mine sooooo corny. But it was done in a good way so i don't know.</p>
<p>^^ I think the essay is MAJOR. It shows you, your personality. It gives you a chance to explain life events that impacted your grades, adversity you overcame, anything you want your colleges to know. I wish essays were MORE important in the process than they are.</p>
<li>Test Scores (AP, SAT, ACT, PSAT, IB...)</li>
<li>Volunteering/community service</li>
-Test Scores (SAT, ACT, AP, IB)
-Volunteering/Community Service</p>
<p>I think that essays could potentially play a much bigger role, but that for most people, it isn't too important. I also think that volunteering/community service isn't too different from having a job or doing extracurriculars... But if you look at it separately as a "requirement", I don't think it's AS important to fulfill.</p>
<li>Test Scores (AP, SAT, ACT, PSAT, IB...)</li>
<li>Volunteering/community service</li>