US domestic *(US citizen )
State/Location of residency: Illinois
Type of high school (current college for transfers): Large public high school
Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional): Male/South Asian
Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.): None
Intended Major(s) business, Marketing, entrepreneurship with a specific interest in fashion entrepreneurship
GPA, Rank, and Test Scores
Unweighted HS GPA: 3.43 cumulative until and including junior year. 3.83 in junior year. Improving trend year over year. expecting to maintain the same level or better in senior year.
Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system):
ACT/SAT Scores: 1250
(AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores for high school; also include level of math and foreign language reached and any unusual academic electives; for transfers, describe your college courses and preparation for your intended major(s)) 3 AP courses in economics, business and psychology. Honors courses in maths and English.
National level participation in BPA, after winning state and regional level in the marketing case study presentation of a fashion/ pop icon. This is an individual effort and not part of a team.
(Include leadership, summer activities, competitions, volunteering, and work experience)
1)Has been working in 2 jobs concurrently for the past 3 years - one in retail and one in hospitality/ event management.
2)Has been running a snow shoveling business, recruiting classmates to do actual shoveling, while managing the sales and customer service. Generated > $2,000 over 2 seasons so far.
3)Started own vintage online store, built enormous buzz in the school towards launch. Expected to generate between 5k - 10k in annual sales. Highly passionate about clothing, art, fashion.
(Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances.)
I expect that essays would be compelling to demonstrate his passion, purpose, interest, and creativity. He is a strongly independent and creative thinker and loves writing.
Personal circumstances: His parents went thru divorce in the last 2 years, and affected him for a while.
Cost Constraints / Budget None, but UIUC Gies is a target considering the quality and cost.
(High school students: please get a budget from your parents and use the Net Price Calculators on the websites of colleges of interest.)
Safety * please suggest.
Likely * University of Illinois, Chicago
Match: UIUC Gies ( most preferred ) , IU - Kelley, Babson( strong focus on entrepreneurship), Rutgers New Brunswick ( Decent match and to be near NY for future career opportunities)
Reach: Any good business programs in the top 50. Please recommend.