Rate my Chances, and YOU could win a FABULOUS PRIZE!

<p>I plan to apply for Engineering</p>

<p>-Asian Senior at a highly competitive public school in New England
-I got 800M 690V SAT
-2 months work experience at CVS besides babysitting and such
-rank about top 12% in school (Simsbury CT)
-about 3.8 from a 20 pt scale
-varsity badminton(“ha ha”, watever)
-SAT II: math 2 790; verbal 700; chemistry 660 (taking again in dec)
-taking/took most AP courses offered (7 of 10 offered)
-only “C” in AP US History (never liked history too much)
-honor roll every semester
-building hovercraft as senior project (oh yeah baby)
-decent essay
-pretty good recs
-208 psat: qualified for only nm letter, my schools semi cutoff was at 220
-national honor society
-whos who
-national honor roll</p>


<p>if you rate my chances exactly as ucBerkeley replies, you may win a …something</p>

<p>you have good stats. cal is competitive if you're doing engineering, but you're well qualified. good luck ;]</p>

*Class Rank - below average (98% of all Cal students - not just engineering students - were in the top 10% of their respective schools)
*Out of state
*GPA - below average (i realize you attend a competitive school, so this + your class rank may not really affect your chances)
*ECs are kind of weak</p>

*High test scores</p>

<p>65% if you don't apply for EECS/BioMed</p>

<p>How about my chances at Berkeley or UCLA. </p>

<p>White male from Illinois
Very Competitive High School
ranked 115 out of 804 (40 of my classmates are ranked number 1, never gotten anything less than an A)
660 SAT II History
710 Math 2C
710 Writing
3.75 gpa unweighted 4.4 weighted
taken the most demanding schedule.
4 year varsity lacrosse
2 jobs last 2 years
volunteer IT coordinator at animal shelter</p>

<p>What do you think?</p>

<p>applying to mechanical, will that help? no, im seriously considering mechanical.</p>

<p>Yes, according to coe.berkeley.edu, ME had the highest acceptance rate (34%) in 2002.</p>

<p>Ghost - top 12% from out-of-state is a negative (in total, the UC's only take the top 12.5% of instate residents, but Berkeley is ~5%), as is the C in history. With the exception of the hovercraft project, EC's are not exceptional in that everyone applying to Berkeley is NHS-eligible and on honor roll. It would take a great essay since the adcoms actually read them.</p>

<p>Sammie: similar story</p>

<p>Good luck to both.</p>

<p>thanks blue,
i had a dream last night i got rejected by both berkeley and my ed choice, cornell. so...depressed...</p>