Rather late now, but chance me please...?

<p>I applied to Cornell College of Arts and Sciences ED as a very long-shot application, just in case the planets happen to align correctly and I somehow stand a sliver of a chance. I fell into some hard emotional times during my junior year which hurt my school performance immensely, so I believe my chances at an Ivy are pretty much shot, but a Cornell graduate at my church advised I should at least try. Wish me luck, I guess. :P I know it makes no difference now, but I'm anxious and I need something to waste my time until Thursday, so please appraise my odds:</p>


<p>Korean-American male; 1st generation born in America; born & residing in Ohio
I attend a fairly competitive school; we certainly have a lot of smart people, but we're not elite or anything</p>

<p>GPA weighted: just slightly over 4.0
GPA unweighted: about 3.6~3.7
My class rank was not reported, but I fell out of the top 10% (just barely) during my junior year, which upset and depressed me severely later on.</p>

<p>freshman year I did pretty much nothing except a few basic honors classes that were offered
sophomore year was pretty much the same; could have taken AP US History but was intimidated out of it (later my history teacher told me I should have taken the AP course)
junior year I took AP World History, AP Lang, and AP Biology
senior year I'm taking AP Chem, Latin Literature (AP Latin wasn't offered this year; our school alternates between the two courses each year), AP Calculus AB, AP Environmental Science (thought it'd be a nice blow-off class; oh how wrong I was), AP Literature, and AP Gov.</p>

<p>SAT:2150 first time, 2210 second time (720 Critical Reading, 740 Writing, 750 Math)
SAT II: 740 Math I, 760 Biology-E (unfortunately I was quite depressed that day, plus I took it at a bad time during the year, so I'm really not happy with them)
ACT: 33 (I don't remember my subject scores for sure, but I think they were 31 Math (lol), 33 English, 35 Reading, 34 Science, 8 essay (terrible, I know)
AP exams (it's a freakin' miracle; I barely studied for these):
Biology: 5
English Language & Composition: 5
World History: 5</p>

<p>Extra-curriculars, et al:
volunteer at the hospital (150+ hours) -11th, 12th
summer volunteer at the library - 10th (maybe 9th, I can't seem to keep my summers
summer Vacation Bible School volunteer teacher at Korean Church of Columbus - 9th, 10th
tennis team - 9th, 12th (sort of 11th, but I didn't put it on the app since I wasn't
technically officially on the team)
Latin Club - 10th, 11th, 12th
Japanese Club - 11th (I was sort of a guest)
National Honor Society - 12th (didn't apply as a junior)</p>

<p>(I am also a Youth Group officer at our church this year, but I forgot to put that on my app. >_<)</p>

<p>Honors, Awards:
AP Scholar
National Merit Semifinalist
local Rotary Four-Way Test Speech Competition - Honorable Mention/3rd place (11th grade)
National Latin Examination Silver Medalist (10th grade)
Academic Plus Pin award (12 consecutive quarters on honor roll)</p>


<p>And that's... pretty much all I could think of. I know my odds can't be great, but do I have a chance at all? Please give it to me straight; I can take it. I went through all of high school expecting to attend the local state university; I never even dreamed of attending an Ivy League school.</p>

<p>Thanks! ^_^</p>

<p>Strange … if you don’t stand a chance, I should expect a rejection come Thursday? I don’t normally reply to chance threads, but from what I’ve been reading, people would probably give you a “good shot”. SAT scores aren’t bad (significantly higher than mine), GPA is good, I don’t see where you’re getting your doubts from? You have the “rigorous course” outlined in your transcript what with all those APs and 5s.</p>

<p>You have a chance. I’d say what will make or break in your application will be your essays.</p>

<p>Hey guys, thanks a lot for your feedback. It’s great to hear that I have a shot at getting in, so hopefully it won’t be all for nothing on Thursday…</p>

<p>Does anyone else have any insight or opinions? I’m so nervous, I can’t really even do my homework right now…</p>

<p>I to update this, I did get rejected from the College of Arts & Sciences.</p>

<p>I’m extremely bummed out about the result… Does anyone have any ideas why I probably was rejected? GPA too low? Not enough EC’s? Essays not the right fit? I clearly had my share of weaknesses in my app, and I was hoping someone could give me advice on how to make my profile more attractive to other schools? Thanks.</p>

<p>Also, congratulations to those who did make it. =)</p>