
<p>alright Taffy, that looks like me except you'll rarely find me with a frown on my face! Oh...and at the Academies the ratios won't be 2:1....more like 6 or 7 to 1 I think...... But your drawings are amazing ;)</p>

<p>haha, update:</p>

<p><a href="http://img483.imageshack.us/img483/8324/3to05qx.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://img483.imageshack.us/img483/8324/3to05qx.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>haha you have too much time on your hands!</p>

<p>stick figures are so time consuming :)</p>

<p>haha, I like it! :)</p>

<p>Schweet. He got the hair color right on! Nice stick figures. It makes soccer1458 and me look stronger than all the guys. Hah.</p>

<p>Be careful with soccer1458 and don't take her lightly, she can really push you around, I know she could kick my butt. She's a mean dancer, too.</p>

<p>lol my picture is totally awesome thanks taffy.</p>

<p>I'm another girl applying to West Point. Just joined the forum..</p>

<p>w00t, my fault she did too! lol</p>

<p>megbee, </p>

<p>Welcome aboard and good luck with the admissions process. I have a daughter who is a plebe at West Point this year. You'll fine a few parents with insight for you and you'll find at least 1 plebe who posts on here occasionally. I'd just like to mention that none of us is "official". So keep in touch with your MALO. Please keep us posted on your progress.</p>

<p>hey soccer1458! i'm actually not applying to USMA, but i AM a girl who has gotten an LOA and presidential nom to USNA. there seem to be quite a few girls on the USNA forum . . . i know, i know, different school, but we all have the goal of attending a service academy! btw the numbers i keep hearing are that for both academies it's usually around 15-20% girls, as many have mentioned. good luck with USMA! show 'em how good WOMEN can look in uniform!</p>

<p>taffy- those pics are wicked awesome--keep up the good work!</p>

<p>--shawna :-D</p>

<p>I've HEARD that they're trying to increase the USNA ratio to 25% female this year - great year for all us girls to apply! From past years it looks like USMA might be a little lower in general...</p>

<p>Its nice to hear that there are some girls around here! Too bad USMA isn't trying to increase the girls a bit, not all the way to 25%, but it would be fun if it was higher. I'm sure I'll still love it though ;). Good luck to everybody! Boston usmc, maybe I'll see ya next year at the army-navy game!</p>

<p>hey boston usmc</p>

<p>im a girl and im going to usna also! are you going on a weekend visit?</p>

<p>soccer1458 ill see u at army navy! hehe!</p>

<p>Don't make up lies, you know yall will see eachother at USAFA! lol.</p>

<p>yaya, come to the REAL school!</p>

<p>Disclaimer: Kidding of course.</p>

<p>texas_falcon, sparkleandshine, and I all were in the same element in USAFA Summer Seminar just to clear up any confusion ;).</p>

<p>sparkleandshine - i just did my weekend visit in november! it was wicked fun, you'll love it. well, 'fun' academy-style...i enjoyed sliding down the hall at midnight on my rack, but maybe that's not everyone's idea of 'fun'...lol. i'm gonna PM you!</p>
