RD Applicants, welcome to the worst part of the process.


<p>Your life is in the balance for the next 3 months.</p>

<p>yes worst part..... i already know i'm rejected</p>

<p>That sucks. I'm hoping my recommendations and essays pull me up into consideration - my 2 years of college is good - my ACT/HS is BAD.</p>

<p>in the long run, it doesnt matter. it is just undergrad</p>

<p>Hmm....yes I offer very for Chicago myself.</p>

<p>does anyone else call it U of Chi-town?</p>

<p>Because, if so....you might be as cool as I am.</p>

<p>You are not Kanye West (most likely). Please don't call it that; it hurts my ears.</p>

<p>hahahaha....but its just absolutely adorable</p>

<p>Well, I might not actually be Kanye West, but I do sometimes claim to be.</p>

<p>Just to up my street cred, then I'll start telling the truth</p>

<p>I think you're confusing "adorable" with "obnoxious".</p>

<p>..and everyone knows that street cred is based on your skill in the kitchen - nothing quite says "street" like homemade baked goods!</p>

<p>well, now that you mention it</p>

<p>the drug dealers on 5th certainly enjoyed my crossiants....</p>

<p>I got deferred so throw me into the mix</p>