<p>I applied to Fordham via QuickApp / short app in Nov
From Omaha, NE and have visited Fordham
Stats: 3.37 W and 3.57 UW GPA
Top 25% Class Rank
30 ACT (31 M, 30 E, 34 R, 26 S)
1400/2030 SAT (640 M, 760 CR, 630 W)
9 APs with excellent ECs
Decent Essay (basically a rough draft of final essay)</p>
<p>definitely in.</p>
<p>potentially with a deans scholarship.</p>
<p>I didn’t want to be an ass and ask because my SATs are relatively good but the GPA is really weak. How much is the Dean’s Scholarhip?</p>
<p>??? help appreciated</p>
<p>Dean’s scholarship is as little as 10 grand per year.
Generally they say that candidates have a 1350+ on Verbal and Math with an even split between the scores… I dont know how many of these they give.
The presidential scholarship is a full scholarship… candidates generally have a 1450/ 2200+ with an even split in Verbal and Math… there’s 20 of these every year</p>
<p>btw… why is your weighted gpa lower than your unweighted?</p>
<p>You are most likely going to get in. I would even say that it is probable that you will get a nice scholarship from them. While the GPA is not super high, you do have 9 AP classes which should work in your favor. Also, I am not sure how much your scholarship will be since you are not an even split CR/Math. I would guess somewhere in the area of $15,000 to $20,000 per year. Let us know when the decision and financial aid comes in.</p>
<p>Although your GPA is low that shouldn’t really hurt your chances because of your scores.</p>