<p>Please Help Me!!! </p>


<p>i am a senior and i have no idea where i can get in with my stats. here they are:</p>

<p>-about 1320 on the sat (2010 on new one)
-captain of varsity sport for couple years
-involved in 2 varsity sports all 4 years
-200 miscellaneous volunteer hours
-top 20% at competitive private school
-founder and president of minority awareness club (though i am upper-middle class, non-URM)
-latin club
-several athletic meets with OK placement </p>

<p>i am looking at wake forest, cornell, CMU, tufts, BC, emory, amherst, nyu, BU, and UTaustin</p>

<p>I'm a current Freshman at Emory, so I've just been through this process. I was actually accepted to CMU, NYU, and BU, so looking at my stats might help you evaluate your own chances. At the same time, I was denied from Cornell and Amherst With respect to your other schools, I'll give you my best guess.</p>

<p>My stats
sat: 1430
gpa: 3.85; top 10%
ap tests: Euro, Calc AB, Chem, Bio (4's on all)
race: caucasian female
actvities: Heavy student council, President of SC volunteering club, Running Club, NHS Cabinet Head, Tennis, Cheerleading, Won award for a painting, Yale summer session. Those were some of the more major ones.</p>

<p>Here's what I think your stats will yield:</p>



<p>Reachy Match:
Emory - be sure to visit or kiss your chances of admission goodbye
CMU (More a Reach)
Wake Forest</p>


<p>Your activities seem solid. The commitment to varsity sports helps negate your SAT score. You might want to retake the SAT and shoot for 1350-1400. With a little practice, those scores are not impossible to reach. What's important to remember is college admissions are more random than predictable. You'll be suprised at which of your "genious" friends are denied by Harvard, and which "not-so-genious" friends get accepted to Duke and Cornell. I know I was. Also, be sure to write a kick-ass essay and select teachers (hopefully AP) who you think know you best. Their letters of recommendation will sound the most sincere to the admission offices. Both the essay and recommendations can sometimes reduce the tarnish of a B - final or not-so-perfect test score. I hope I've helped you in some way cause I know it was nice to hear advice from veterans of the process while I was going through it. </p>

<p>Where are you from geographically? That also plays a role.</p>