RD Chances?

<p>White female applying for business.
School: Private Boarding School
Rank: School doesn't rank, but received state award for students in top 10% of class and one of the teachers said I was in the top 5% out of about 110 students
GPA: 5.3/6.0 - classes graded in increments of .5, a 6.0 is extremely rare, 5.0 equates to an A
SAT: 1940<br>
ACT: 29
I've taken just about the most rigorous classes available each year.
APs: Junior year: AP US (4)
Senior year: AP Enviro, AP Euro, AP Studio Design (Photo), AP Lit
ECs: 4 Years Varsity Field Hockey
1 Year Varsity Softball
2 Years Varsity Crew
Leader of various Environmental/Sustainability Groups
Leader of student group against animal neglect
Leader of student run video club
Leader of Art Club
Model UN
Various other student groups
Went on Outward Bound Leadership Course
Worked as a seamstress last summer, about 35 hours a week
Taught local middle school children how to play field hockey last summer
Awards: School Field Hockey Prize, Headmaster's List (GPA over 5.0), Edward J. Bloustein Distinguished Scholar (state award, top 10% of class w/1260+ combined SAT), various Crew and Field Hockey awards
Interesting things: I've been a vegan for over 2 years now, I've been learning Chinese for 4 years, first generation
Essay: Really good
Recs: Amazing
State: NJ
I applied ED and got deferred, so I'm guessing they saw something that made me stand out a little bit. I know my standardized test scores are rather mediocre, but my GPA really represents my capabilities.</p>

<p>You know what’s really interesting.</p>

<p>I started reading from the top, and then just sort of stopped right at the SAT score. I wonder if that’s how the adcoms do things - perhaps these Chances threads are a good model for college admissions. If I make it to the end of one, then you’re in!</p>

<p>^ that was rude… Your SATs are within the range… your GPA seems good enough… try to do well in school… you got deffered which means your going to be reconsidered</p>

<p>^Well I’m sorry if these Chances threads get a tad bit annoying (well hey, at least we get the Chances threads, and the Columbia board gets all the really, really stupid questions). I’m even more sorry that you had to give this person a misleading assessment.</p>

<p>What’s your ethnicity? </p>

<p>…and Dartmouth doesn’t have undergrad business, I assume you meant economics.</p>

<p>“and the Columbia board gets all the really, really stupid questions.”</p>

<p>Well. DUHHH.</p>



<p>Hm, you must have started from the bottom and stopped at the SATs instead, since it’s listed on the first line.</p>

<p>Anyway, unfortunately aerialblue is quite right. You’re as good a candidate as any other, except for the SAT scores, which are only really “in range” for children of alumni - and even then, they’d still be borderline. Unless you’re extraordinarily special, those SATs will seriously hamper your application’s chances.</p>

<p>johnleemk, reading this year’s board where a 2240 legacy didn’t get in, I’m thinking Dartmouth does not take low scoring legacies. Development or athletes maybe, but not legacies.</p>

<p>I think Dartmouth does accept January SAT scores, have you considered retaking? I would have to agree that the current score really is not in range for the unhooked. Being deferred means different things at different colleges. At my son’s prep school which has a good relationship with the ivies, students are almost never outright rejected ED, just deferred.</p>

<p>Stessk, Dartmouth is honest in saying very few deferred get in. It’s probably a good idea to emotionally move on and make sure your application is as strong as it can be for remaining schools.</p>