<p>If you re-apply to a school that you were previously denied admission from, are your chances better, worse, or about the same for being admitted?</p>
<p>A lot depends on what’s happened since the last application. If you’ve invested time in taking more rigorous courses, built better relationships with professors, raised your GPA, and gotten passionately involved in some ECs… chances could be better.</p>
<p>Many say worse, it’s better to try schools of the same caliber you have never applied to.</p>
<p>^Agreed. Unless you’ve done something amazing, it’s probably better to stick to schools of the same level or schools that you got wait-listed at.</p>
<p>As a soph transfer–about the same. As in not good, you will likely be denied again since you haven’t had time enough to show significant improvement in college.</p>
<p>As a jr transfer–better, worse or about the same. It all depends on what you do with your year and a half in college.</p>