<p>Media scholar Henry Jenkins will join the SC faculty as Provost Professor of Communication, Journalism and Cinematic Arts. He is currently the Florez Professor of Humanities at MIT. He is recognized as a leading thinker in the effort to redefine the role of journalism in the digital age.</p>
<p>At SC he will teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.</p>
<p>Jenkins commented, "USC offers a natural home for me, given there is world-class research being done on many of the topics that have been the focus of my interest in recent years-civic media, games, emerging modes of storytelling, new media literacies, creative industries and participatory culture, and the relationship between politics and popular culture. USC has been assembling a dream team in the field of media studies, and I am proud to become a part of that community."</p>
<p>Highlights from an article by James Grant on 12/16/08. For the complete article...Media</a> Scholar Henry Jenkins to Join USC</p>