Reach, Match, or Safety

what schools should I apply to. Im looking for mostly reaches and matches.

I live in Los Angeles, California
White Caucasian (Armenian)
Private School
Home Income: Middle Bracket
Majoring: Computer Science or Computer Engineering

Sat I: 1460, Math-740, Verbal-720 (highest score in class)
Sat II: Math IIC-670, Writing-690, U.S. History-700, Bio-680
GPA Rank: 15/63
Highschool GPA Weighted: 3.877, Unweighted: have no clue
9th grade: 3.583, 10th grade: 3.882, 11th grade: 4.178
Most rigorous courseload possible at my school
AP classes taken: 10th-Art History, 11th-U.S. History, English Lang, 12th-Calculus, Government, English Lit, and Econ
AP tests taken: Art History (4), U.S. History (4), World History (4), English Lang (3), Macroeconomics (3), Microeconomics (3) (Most AP’s passed from my class)

Extracurricular Activities:
Academic Decathlon (USAD): 10th-12th grades, team captain 11th and 12th grade, have won 10th grade: 8 medals (6 gold), 11th grade:10 medals (7 gold), both in regionals.
LADWP Science Bowl: 11th grade, Co-Captain, got recognition in regionals
Student Council: 9th grade: Class Representative, 10th grade: Class President, 12th grade: Class VP
Science Fair: 9th grade: got recognition in regional science fair
National Honors Society: 12th grade - member
Freemasons: volunteer

My school doesn’t have many activies to participate in.

Awards: AP Scholar with distinction and Dean’s List. Also all my Decathlon medals.

I guess that’s about it. Which schools should i apply to and which would be a good fit for me?

<p>come on, anyone?</p>

<p>Insufficient data. Not enough info to determine what type/personality of school would fit you. I mean, we could throw Case Western, Rose Hulman, Harvey Mudd, UC San Diego, Stanford, and Amherst on there...and you'd have a meaningless list.</p>

<p>Btw, the fact that your 720 was the highest verbal in your class is a) irrelevant and b) raises a yellow flag about how competitive your high school is.</p>

<p>Also there's no sense of your class rank/class size.</p>

<p>on what you have said I would say your a canidate for the university of california system maybe not ucla...more like uc irvine uc riverside. If the uc system has an appeal check out uc merced that is opening this year</p>