Reaches, Matches, Safeties?

<p>white female
SAT I: 2250 - 720 M, 790 W (12 and 75), 740 CR
SAT II: 740 Math, 760 Lit
ACT: 35 composite, breakdown 34 M 36 E 36 S, 12 writing
GPA: 3.9 UW, 4.8 W, Rank: top 3%, top 20/700 in IB public school
Classes: All IB, HL IB Math, History, English
APs: 5 World History, 4 Chem, 4 Calc AB, 5 AP Lang
Awards: National Merit Semifinalist (finalist status pending), AP Scholar with Honor, NCTE Promising Young Writer, National Honor Society, Who's Who Among American High School Students, Participant - National Student Leadership Conference, numerous won internships, multiple state qualifier in debate
ECs: YMCA Volunteer 9-12 as CILT summer camp counselor - translated into paid counselor position, Debate Team 9-12, Debate Captain 11-12, Head Captain Debate 12, NHS 11-12, NHS Vice President 12, Hospital Volunteer 11-12, Newspaper 9,10,11 On-staff position at local and highly respected newspaper, 11-12, Newspaper internships, 11-12, Basketball 9, Student Body VP (at diff. school) 9, tutoring 9-12
Essays: projected as good?
Recs: good, from history teacher who has known me for 3+ years and eng. teacher who writes awesome recs </p>

<p>What schools are matches, reaches, safeties for me:
Boston University

<p>Lol am I not interesting?
i just want a lil attention....sniff sniff</p>

<p>It looks like you can get into any school pending your essays show passion and such. Columbia would be the toughest school on your list. You have to have something special, because their admissions seem more arbitrary than other schools.</p>

<p>In terms of your extracurricular involvement, I just don't think Swarthmore is your type of school. I'll make the assumption that you want to be in an urban area due to the schools you listed. In that case, I think that Barnard is perfect for you. It's less stressful and compeditive than Columbia (not to mention easier to be accepted at) and if you love the smell of concrete and riding dirty subways, then what better place is there than NYC? (Kidding, I love NYC).</p>

less stressful and competitive?
...are you implying that i wouldnt be accepted, or...?</p>

<p>Not at all! I am simply saying that Columbia is a reach for anyone. Barnard is just as prestigious, and you still get to have the smell of subways. If you enjoy tossing out greenbacks to colleges, then apply to every college! But even if you go ahead and do that, Columbia will remain awfully compeditive and a cutthroat place to go to school.</p>

<p>I think BU and NYU will be a breeze for you to get into, I'm not TOO familiar with Barnard/Swathmore/Amherst, and Columbia is an ivy so it's way too unpredictable. I personally think you'll get into Columbia, but no one is ever a guarantee.</p>

<p>No doubt about the competitiveness of Columbia. Remember, graduate school is more important than undergraduate. Dont screw yourself over with bad grade in your undergrad years. The salutatorian of my school from two years ago went to columbia. She was smart and passionate. Definately an Ivy material.</p>

<p>She failed her first marking period at Columbia.</p>

<p>Oh sorry coluhopeful I thought you were being mean :-)
ehh.....columbia makes me angry.
and i agree about NYC. Love.</p>

<p>here's my theory.
all the names i dont know on this board are actually one person, a sick 40 year old man who gets off to really smart kids.
at any rate, somebody respond to my chances por favor.</p>

<p>I think your stats are absolutely fantastic, and you're well within the range to be accepted to any of those schools. However, they do turn down PLENTY of people that meet their average SAT scores and GPAs and have lots of extracurriculars. Amherst... BU... NYU... I'd be surprised if you didn't get in. I don't know much about Swarthmore or Bernard so I will withold my opinion. Columbia, as others have said, is impossible to predict. I think THOSE forty year old men get off on turning away really smart kids.</p>

<p>i concur w aeggie about columbia's forty year old men, and gracias about the stats.
i dont know why today but im in a spanish mood. maybe because my SHS chapter made me go buy guava flavored soda that in reality tastes like crap flavored crap for our festival.
that's neither here nor there. just saying.</p>

<p>btw, for the girl who failed first marking period at Columbia-- maybe she finally realized grades aren't everything. Maybe she finally got a sex life. Definitely a step ahead of you guys. lol</p>

<p>just 'cause we're worried about college doesn't mean we don't go out...
maybe that's why we want to go to college.</p>

<p>to the kid talking about the girl failing at columbia.</p>

<p>Wow, it could be possible that your response is the most retarded thing Ive eer heard on this forum. Quit trying to get on this forum and start acting like you have a sex life. If you seriously had a sex life, you wouldnt be going around showing it off on a forum. Your response had nothing to do with the topics discussed by the creator of the thread.</p>

<p>...and ya. If you think failing in college is worth having sex with one person, you're desparate. Very very desparate :D</p>