Reachy OOS Chances?

<p>I am from VA, female and white with dual citizenship for the US and England.
GPA: 3.8/4.1
SAT: CR: 700 W: 650 M: 480 (total 1180/1830)
Honors classes, Spanish and Chem at CC
Top 5% of my class (approximately, school doesn't rank, this is what my counselor said though)
STATIC Film Society Co-Founder
Student Senate
Class Representative
Scuba Diving (working towards the PADI Dive Master certification)
Showjumping at the international level, and am very highly ranked nationally and internationally.
National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS)
National Honors Convocation on Law (NHC- Loyola Marymount University June '07)
Sprachcaffe Language School- Beijing (2 weeks intensive language course, Oct '07)
Worked as assistant trainer/rider for two different Olympians.
I volunteer at a rehabilitation center for injured polo, sport, and race horses 4-6 days a week.</p>

<p>I graduated early (got the credits and the school said I had to graduate once I had the credits) and I am taking a year off. I spent the last 2 months in China doing volunteer work in Ya'an at the Bi Feng Xi Panda Reserve and Research Facility and visted areas of central and southern China.</p>

<p>I'm interested in East Asian Studies and Political Science. Ultimately I'm interested in law school.</p>

<p>I can get very good recommendations from my teachers, my math teacher (hopefully with augument my crappy math score... my coursework has always been very good with her) and my english teacher have already offered to write me great recs. Counsellor says my essay is very good. </p>

<p>Umm... I can't think of much else to add. I don't need financial aid. Do I have a chance with my low math score? I'm planning on taking the ACT in Feb, will they accept that score still? Or is it too late?</p>

<p>I am consistently entertained by people who offer up an incredible story like yours and yet still feel self conscious about their SAT scores. Goodness gracious. You can't seriously believe that that someone would read your application, then see your SAT score, and think, "Well everything else just doesn't look as good now that I know her math score on the SAT isn't super duper."</p>

<p>You and most of the kids I read about on this forum have just as good a shot as anyone and will be just fine. Even if you or the other people on here don't get into UNC - you all will have luck somewhere. You all have something good to offer and I'm sure you'll get into some great schools. Ramble over. All I do is ramble on here!</p>

<p>You're similar to me with the East Asian Studies / Poli Sci focus and the . I'm still undeclared but I'm really into Chinese and Japanese. Chapel Hill's language departments are the I love my laoshi. :)</p>

<p>Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Thanks, major, major ego and confidence boost for me, what a great Xmas present.</p>

<p>I've heard awesome things about the language programs at CH, and I am thrilled to hear more good things about Chinese and Japanese specifically. China was SO interesting. It is such an amazing thing to see the old culture interwoven with the new. I'd love to visit Japan next.</p>

<p>Thanks again, and Happy Holidays.</p>

<p>Ni hao! Ko ni chi Wa! Well, I come from China, and I can speak fluent Japanese too. Trust me, Asia can always bring you more than you can imagine. No matter in the metropolis like Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Singapore, or in the small villages in China and Korea, there are always many exciting stuff. </p>

<p>ye sheng me, I'm very glad to hear that you have been to Sichuan. Did you enjoy the spicy food there?</p>

<p>Anyway, Good luck to your application, and hope to see you in Chapel Hill!
Happy Holidays!</p>

<p>Yep, loved Sichuan food! I'm crazy about spicy things.</p>

<p>I found it interesting how divided a lot of the Chinese I met were about the Japanese (I suspect perhaps it is the same the other way as well?). Where I was volunteering several people were very anti-Japanese and surprised me with rude comments about them, and there were two who never took part in that sort of commentary and were both learning Japanese (for which they received much grief), so I find it interesting (and commendable!) that you speak both languages. </p>

<p>I can't wait to start learning both languages (well, more of the languages) and learning more about the different cultures, and hope to get the chance to see you at Chapel Hill as well!</p>

<p>I know I really shouldn't do this on a UNC thread but...would you consider an all women's college? Have you looked at Mount Holyoke College in Mass.? Nationally ranked riding program, very impressive stable, great poli sci, and it looks like you have the very unique qualifications that a school like that embraces. </p>

<p>Anyway...I agree that your very unique background and interests will probably serve you well and will likely negate your less than optimal test scores.</p>

<p>Your story is good and all, but I dont think it'll overcome for your weak SAT score, especially OOS.</p>

<p>You'll be fine: ). Don't even worry about the SAT score. How was the panda reserve???? I love pandas!!!! : )</p>

<p>your story will definitely stand out. forget about the math score. Becuase your case is so unique and uncommon, it's hard to chance you. I'd imagine adcoms will be fretting over you, but in the end, I think they will take you.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help guys.</p>

<p>B05T0N- You are very probably right, but I might as well give it a shot anyway if I have half a chance.</p>

<p>cat119- The pandas were fun, although I'm not suprised they are going extinct, they are not very smart, even if they are very cute!</p>

<p>2boysima- I don't think I would do very well at a women's school, I have two good female friends, but all the rest of my friends are male- I tend to get along better with them because I'm into paintballing, diving, climbing etc, but I will check it out.</p>

<p>No point not trying, but it's good to understand how ridiculously insane it is to get into UNC OOS.</p>

<p>Considering OOS, it sounds sort of iffy. I'm in state and I'd still be a bit apprehensive with that. Anyone can go to China and volunteer on a Panda reserve if they're rich enough. :(</p>

<p>hahahahahah niiice.</p>