Read my Harvard essay?

<p>I’ll take a jab. Do you want constructive criticism for it?</p>

<p>@yikesyikesyikes‌ I actually submitted the essay back in December - this thread is year old, but various people have resurrected it, haha. I appreciate the offer, though!</p>

<p>Oh, I should look at posting dates more often :P. Where did you end up matriculating?</p>

<p>@yikesyikesyikes Nowhere, actually. I applied to college as a physics major, so I applied mostly to engineering schools/research unis in addition to a couple random LAC choices (Harvard, Yale, Williams). After I applied to college, I found out that I actually want to be an English major, and I was rejected at the only three LACs I was accepted to, so I’m applying to colleges again this year (fun, fun).</p>

<p>Ah, do you happen to know a lot about science programs at LACs by any chance?</p>

<p>@yikesyikesyikes‌ Only a small bit - as I was applying to college last year, I was really focused on STEM institutes like WPI or RPI, and now that I’m looking at LACs, I’m not a science major anymore… You can try doing some looking around on past CC threads or make a post in the College Search and Selection forum.</p>

<p>@LAMuniv‌ Any way you could PM me the essay to read as well? It sounds like a really interesting topic</p>

<p>@bioninja Okay, do you want the version I sent to Harvard or the better (IMO) and updated one I originally considered using as my personal essay?</p>

<p>(I love how this thread is randomly generating attention 7 months after I created it, haha)</p>

<p>Either one! Or both! Haha whatever you’d feel most comfortable sharing :slight_smile: thanks @LAMuniv !</p>

<p>I have no intention in applying to Harvard (no way in my wildest dreams would I get in), but could I read your essay if you are comfortable sharing it?</p>

<p>Id read!</p>

<p>I would love to see your essay too, because rarely do you get to see finished products on here. Thanks.</p>

<p>@LAMuniv‌ OMG are the harvard questions out yet? Where did you find them?</p>

<p>@oystershelleatme‌ this thread is a year old, and somehow got resurrected, haha. There’s a main essay (which I forget, it may be an extracurricular essay) and then the optional one which I listed the prompt for on my original post. Not sure if they’re changing this year. </p>

<p>@yikesyikesyikes‌ @FaithElamin‌ @Esat936‌ which version do you guys want to read? The one I actually sent to Harvard or the adapted one that I almost used for my main essay (which IMO is the better one)?</p>

<p>Haha, hate to add the list but could I see both your essays? I’m from UK and we have a very different system of essays (you send one 4000 character five schools max you can apply here subject you’re applying for). so yeah, it would be really helpful what sort thing people write, as NO idea where start</p>

<p>Whichever one you are most comfortable sharing would be great. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Okay, it may be a couple days because I’m working full time with a theatre company and we have our shows this weekend, but I’ll send them ASAP. :)</p>

<p>@LaMuniv whichever you like better. :)</p>