<p>What are my chances at University of Maryland- college park and University of Michigan?</p>
<p>SAT I: 1330/2070 (670M 660 CR 740 W)
GPA:3.23 UW (UMich GPA is 3.25)
6 AP's so far (AP US History, AP Lit and comp, AP lang and comp, AP Southern Lit, AP Calc AB, AP enviro sci)
I go to a small private school in washington, dc (i live there too), and I am white. I have lots of community service hrs, and I played V baseball. 2 of my sisters went to UMich, and my brother is enrolled there now. I am not asking for any financial aid at either place. I have already sent out my application to UMich.
Do I have a shot at Maryland Scholars or Honors?</p>
<p>What are some good safety schools for me?</p>