I have taken around 8 practice tests for reading, and my score has not improved a single point… I have no clue what to do at this point becaus the test is tomorrow… I have improved English by 6 points, math by 4 points, and science by 2 points so I think it’s pretty clear I’ve put in some effort… My reading score just won’t budge. I’ve tried so many strategies but I’m only able to get through about 2- 3 1/2 passages before time is up and I’m left guessing on at least 15 questions each time.
Just relax and know you’ll only get three passages done. Spend about 11 minutes each on your top 3 passages, then choose one letter (I prefer B/G), and bubble in that letter for all questions on the 4th passage. If you’re not stressing over time as much you may be more accurate in your 3 passages, and you should get at least 2-3 right if you bubble in one letter for the fourth passage. Depending on how well you do on the three passages, that could get you as high as 26/27ish.
When I saw top 3, don’t do the narrative, social studies, then humanities and “B” all the way through science unless the former 3 are your best passages (in order from easiest to hardest) and the latter is your worst. My particular order is science, social studies, humanities, then narrative. Sometimes I switch the narrative and humanities up if the former is the dual passage. I’ve always found the dual passage to be easier because the questions are less detailed and seem to just compare/contrast the two passages.
I would recommend testing this method before the test tomorrow. Good luck!