<p>Can some people please give their best advice on how to succeed on the reading section? I just find it really hard to manage my time while I take it and would like some tips on how to go faster but still get the necessary information. PR actually said to basically bag one passage, do the other three, and get like a 29 or something if you get almost all the questions on the three passages right. I laughed at that book, but ayways, any tips?</p>
<p>i actually don’t think the PR’s idea is bad since i really suck at the reading section.</p>
<p>i should try that…</p>
<p>PR’s ideas (not only in reading, but in all of the subjects of ACT) are directed towards normal kids who wishes to raise their scores to maybe a 26-28. For overachievers (like most in CC), most seem to prefer sparknote’s advice on reading. (yeah I have trouble in reading too =S)</p>
<p>^ whats sparknotes stratgey? is is similar to kaplan’s?</p>